Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] be the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I 'm her daughter , so naturally I must be the same , ’ Sabine said harshly .
2 Lots of snaps of our reunion … yours will be the same as the others !
3 ‘ But you were there and your friends , you 're the same people , so you must be the same group now . ’
4 Dressed in vivid orange , with black lettering down her legs and wearing one of Prince 's big heart-shaped mirrors on her sleeve , she could be the same girl who blew into town with the spectacular Lovesexy roadshow last year .
5 Linguistic phenomena may be equivalent in the sense that at one level of coding they may be different , but at another level they may be the same .
6 Alternatively , cements may nucleate on grains as separate , or disconformable , crystals ( Fig. 5.24a ) , or they may grow from a few nucleation points so that they enclose the grains as poikilotopic cements ( Fig. 5.24b ) ; they may be the same mineralogy as the grains they enclose .
7 ( They may be the same type of media , but will always be different media items . )
8 ( They may be the same type of media , but will always be different media items ) .
9 But in general they must be the same as those discussed for the replicators of Chapter 2 : longevity , fecundity , and copying-fidelity .
10 The Sharmas had lost two Rough Collies and two were found , therefore they must be the same dogs !
11 They must be the same .
12 Aye , they must be the same .
13 No they should be the same .
14 I 've a feeling that they might be the same lot that I saw at Geraldine 's party last month .
15 very pale , if you saw somebody in a hospital bed who 'd just suffered shock , they 'd be the same colour as the sheet they 're lying on their face is absolutely white , okay , very , very pale , very cold and very clammy , now supposing the doctor asks you why are they cold and clammy ?
16 If I got the intervals right they 'd be the same .
17 Regardless of local circumstances , they would be the same in Glasgow as in Naples ; the same in Lisbon as in Berlin .
18 They can be the same type of door as for hinged doors , or you could make your own doors from hardboard on a timber frame .
19 Some of them will be the same ones that we 've already done so do n't look at the do n't look at these just try them on your own try and remember how you did them .
20 IT MAY be the same place , the same time and the same round but Steve Davis will be praying for a different result when he meets Ken Doherty in the £180,000 Benson and Hedges Irish Masters today .
21 A similar attack was reported in the Ormeau area in January , and police believe it may be the same man .
22 Check train times before paying up too — last connection from Leeds back down to Oxford leaves too soon after the end of a game to be any use ; it may be the same from Oxford back to Leeds too .
23 You think to yourself now what am I giving , what am I giving in the contribution box now as compared to one , two , three , four , five , years ago , it may be the same and it may be as much as you can afford , well if that 's so , then that 's grand is n't it ?
24 They believe he may be the same man who made a number of violent attacks on prostitutes in Warrington and Crewe .
25 The servants saw him and immediately thought he must be the same boy from last night .
26 He was one-eyed with a great purple birthmark across his face ; he must be the same fellow who had been closeted so secretly with Irvine at the Sea Barque in Leicester .
27 It must be the same with our world too . ’
28 It must be the same man .
29 Well , well it must be the same .
30 although I have n't done particulary parasitology I know some of 'em , I 've done bits of 'em , but like if you 've never done biology it must be the same feeling again
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