Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] not know for " in BNC.

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1 As for Jessie herself , she had held her in her arms and reassured her that her Robbie would be all right , even though , from the scanty information given her by the nurse , she could n't know for sure if he would be .
2 Answering this kind of question will inevitably involve you in a certain amount of guesswork , because you ca n't know for certain what has been going on , but some assumptions are more likely than others .
3 On the Dipper , if you had your eyes shut and your ears plugged up — so you could n't see or hear what was going on — and you just thought about how heavy or light you felt , and what was happening to your tummy — you would n't know for sure what was happening .
4 ‘ In fact , it may not turn out to be a job at all , but without you we could n't know for sure . ’
5 But we shall not know for some time yet .
6 We wo n't know for a couple of days but everything points to her having used large amounts of cocaine , ’ a senior detective told TODAY .
7 And he seems to think I may not get any worse , but we sha n't know for a couple of weeks . ’
8 However , at the beginning of the year we can not know for certain what the inflation rates will be ; we can only have expectations about what they will be .
9 He wo n't know for sure whether it 's a success until the time comes to deal with the excess stock .
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