Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] have been taken " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At 13 or 14 , I should have been taken away from my family and placed somewhere where I would have felt loved and like a real person . ’
2 I 'd have been taken to a guardroom and asked to explain myself . "
3 I thought she might have been taken ill or had a fall or something . ’
4 It altered her appearance considerably , making her look older and quite severe , and in her new black working dress she could have been taken for a widow .
5 ‘ If you had gone we would have been taken again before the courts .
6 They must have been taken illegally from the wild .
7 The vast foyer was carpeted in the softest green imaginable , the walls were even paler , so that at first glance they might have been taken for white , and the venetian blinds were a perfectly blended shade of moss .
8 If not twins , they might have been taken for brother and sister .
9 Although there are no known examples in Britain , it is interesting to note the number of stones bearing the monogram built into the churches , suggesting that they could have been taken from the pagan monuments and re-used .
10 What pleased me very much was that someone said of my first photographs taken abroad that they looked as if they could have been taken anywhere .
11 Well I 'd like , Dave Girt , Leeds City , I 'd like s some recognition of West Yorkshire 's problems to be evident in er the deliberations , which er at the moment it 's it 's absent , it may it may have been taken into account but it 's absent in the exposition , and I I 'd also like some erm indication that competing development would not be massed on the boundaries of Leeds , that the scales of er the the distribution of the employment land seems to be to be biased towards those districts which which border Leeds .
12 His father , John Murphy , said he should have been taken to Durham Prison , where medical treatment which he said his son needed was available if necessary .
13 Like the rest of the staff , he wore a burgundy-coloured uniform although , apart from his name tag , it could have been taken for a regular formal suit .
14 It could have been taken , he reckoned , from the very spot where he was standing , capturing the scene much as it now was , altered only by the onset of winter .
15 He could have been taken by surprise .
16 The Prince was sitting quietly there , his hands clasped , staring down at the table , so silent he could have been taken for some studious monk ; his robes , however , were splendid , his fingers covered in precious rings , and his hair and golden beard carefully combed and oiled .
17 If only he 'd got caught up in politics , or good works , or become a governor of his old school , he 'd have been taken out of himself more ?
18 Once he had been to the forbidden place — for him , England — and once he had succeeded in returning , he would have been taken by a tide , a powerful current drawing him back to the heartwoods .
19 Now , as the thought came into his mind he spoke it aloud , and had he spoken like this to anyone else it would have been taken as an insult , for what he said was , ‘ It 's a pity you have n't had education , Mick . ’
20 it would have been taken , it was rather a pity .
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