Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] have [been] as " in BNC.

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1 I should have been as timid as the girl herself , if she had looked at me !
2 I might have been as good as you , and perhaps wiser .
3 She married into the worst of Mother 's years , whereas I had the best , and I wonder if I 'd have been as unselfish as Lynda .
4 No , I would have done it exactly the same , I would have just hoped that I would have been as lucky as I have been .
5 We played dominoes with an old boy and his wife ; she was eighty , and if you 'd seen her puffing cigarettes and drinking strong ale , you 'd have been as dumbfounded as I was .
6 I am grateful for the Minister 's reply and I know that she will have been as horrified as the rest of us by the images and the conflict that was reported from Somalia last weekend .
7 However , Lithuania are n't going to be as dangerous as they might have been as several of their top stars did n't make the trip .
8 Another day and they 'd have been as dead as doornails .
9 If they had n't been so excitable , they 'd have been as free as birds right now .
10 Their bloody tongues they 'd have been , they 'd have been as thick as these tables by end of day .
11 Field evidence ( D. J. Laming , pers. com. ) suggests it may have been as little as 2 or 3 km .
12 Scattered later evidence suggested that Wealden superstitions died hard ; indeed , it may have been as potent a force in determining local beliefs as organised Christianity at least until this present century .
13 Exactly when , we do n't know , it may have been as late as the thirteenth century before it cut its way through .
14 Remembered as a son of the King Cenberht who had been a co-ruler of the western Saxons with Cenwealh before his death in the 660s ( see above , p. 49 ) , he may have been as much a victim of the impact of earlier Mercian expansion under Wulfhere as of internal strife .
15 The rain was pelting him relentlessly and he may have been as well to have had no clothes at all for all the protection his gave him .
16 He should have been as frozen as she was herself .
17 He must have been as tired as she was , having undoubtedly had a lot less sleep …
18 It must have been as clear to him as it was to her that Jeff , most definitely , was n't acting .
19 I am not certain of the date when the Navy finally abandoned the general use of hammocks , but to my mind it must have been as retrogressive a decision as that taken when abandoning the tot of ‘ Nelson 's blood ’ at 12 noon every day !
20 Carrie wished it might have been as meaningful to Seb .
21 The young man — perhaps not quite so young after all , he might have been as much as thirty — came forward into the room , closing the door behind him .
22 It seems clear that Branwell had so much potential , he might have been as successful as his sisters .
23 It could have been as long ago as last Christmas , ’ he said .
24 The date of the demise of the military arsenals is not known , although it could have been as early as the late third century .
25 We do not know how long he stayed in Paris — it could have been as long as a decade .
26 There were some mornings , Monday mornings in particular , when it would have been as quick for him to walk to the main gates and then catch an internal minibus to his office block .
27 And in 1944 when Cole wrote his book as part of the Movement 's centenary tribute to the Rochdale Pioneers , when Consumers ' Co-operation could still look back on many decades of unbroken success , it would have been as natural for him to suppose that the Pioneers had in this respect been mistaken and that their mistake stood in need of explanation .
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