Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] up at " in BNC.

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1 It was a perpetual anxiety with me that I should turn up at school wearing a dress that had been sold to that same shop by one of my fellow-pupils .
2 I might be starting at Crewe or Rochdale , but I might end up at the top . ’
3 ‘ In Russia , I would get up at 7 o'clock and do some stretching .
4 I was told they know how to honour their dead in the Highland regiments but the next time I go to Edinburgh I will gaze up at Dad Tam , and see both of my sons in that solid likeness ( despite the Kitchener moustache ) .
5 ‘ I mean , you should get up at all .
6 All the novel is intended to be is a bit of fun — something that you might pick up at an airport and that takes you through the journey in a pleasant fashion .
7 ‘ Look , May , ’ he said , ‘ if you 're not careful you 'll end up at the funny farm the way you 're going on . ’
8 That she could look up at men rather than over or down at them .
9 Her dreams had saved lives time and again : she 'd turn up at someone 's door whatever the hour , her and her huge handbag packed with tinctures and lotions and bandages .
10 And of course you risk yourself still further by positioning yourself under an overhanging edge — you could finish up at least partially buried if there is a cave-in .
11 After so many shocks I was surprised you could stand up at your own wedding . ’
12 When it was wet she would turn up at the cafés with galoshes .
13 Norm would sit watching TV , she would glance up at it and back at her book , but he tired early and went to bed .
14 ‘ You ca n't take your friend 's dog out but you can get up at the crack of dawn to set your hair . ’
15 All self-employed means is that if you want to you can get up at seven o'clock in the morning and start work at half past seven , and work right through till eleven o'clock at night .
16 You can get up at six o'clock in the morning see what time it is ca n't you ?
17 We 'd laugh up at nobody . ’
18 We would get up at 5.30 a.m. every morning and do 44 minutes of exercises .
19 They may get up at ten or eleven .
20 Joy said that this really was n't on and that they must pull up at the side of the road and try to find some stones or something with which to wedge the coffin .
21 Given the right conditions they could flare up at any time .
22 Wanted on drug charges , he may end up at the centre of an extraordinary trial in Miami .
23 And he may turn up at any moment with a simple explanation , and wonder what we 've been worrying about . ’
24 Gripping and polished — it should clean up at the box office this autumn .
25 Some nights when his mum Beverley gets home from work , he 'll look up at her and say : ‘ Mummy , I 'm such a wobbly boy . ’
26 It might pop up at an awkward moment , ’ he said , which was hardly any better . ’
27 So it 'll come up at the next C S N T .
28 And then he 'd get up at two in the morning and start painting .
29 In the past , habit is expressed by used to or , when a number of habits are referred to , would may be used : I used to walk three miles to school ( every morning ) when I was a child ; He would wake up at about 6.30 .
30 He would turn up at her garden with a picnic in the late afternoons , laying out a white cloth , champagne and strawberries under the shadow of the tower block and the bemused scrutiny of the local youth .
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