Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] make [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I want to make him an excellent offer for Sleet , one impossible to refuse .
2 I want to make you a proposition , ’ Emily said , almost wishing she had n't come .
3 I want to make you a home , to bear your children … ’
4 I remember making her a little black satin coat and Dutch bonnet with things sticking out and all edged with lace and it was all er black satin and underneath the bonnet was er pleated er blue chiffon .
5 I try to make it a therapeutic education process for the abductees as well .
6 When I smile at her , I try to make it a fatherly smile .
7 Derek 's mother was my great-aunt 's daughter which I think made him a half cousin to me .
8 Of course I 've made him a pie — why should n't I ?
9 ‘ You 'll stay right where you are until I 've made you a hot drink .
10 I 've made you a cup of coffee — and I should drink it while it 's still hot , if I were you . ’
11 There you are I 've made you a cup of tea .
12 Hey now for the past three mornings I 've got up out of bed , I 've made you a cup of tea every morning and breakfast on a tray , so do n't you come complaining to me .
13 ‘ Sir , I have made you an honourable proposal for the hand of your daughter , whom I am in a position to support now and , later , in increased comfort — ’
14 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
15 You 've made me a soldier . ’
16 ‘ I say , Commander , you 've made me an awfully happy WAAF .
17 But you have made it a robbers ' cave ( Mark 11:17 ) .
18 Yeah , so you have to make them the same .
19 ‘ It 's our bicentenary here at Grindlewood and we want to make it a year to remember , ’ she said , measuring the floor with her brogues .
20 And now we 've made it a fire door it 's made it worse .
21 We 've made it a slimmer , and hopefully erm more cost effective , structure .
22 We have made him an offer but he 's not very keen .
23 No , I , I , I , just , just a cover note , I think it 's quite true that this is one of the small steps one can make to make it a little bit more possible for people with dependents to take a full part in local government , and the majority of the people who are excluded at the moment are in practise erm , women with dependent children , but there are many other people including men , and including people with dependent elderly relatives , and I think we need to make it the rule rather than the exception that local government has a carer 's allowance scheme .
24 They want to rip all the trees down as well they want to make it a little piazza thing do n't they ?
25 and they want to make it an elected module for people doing other things
26 The resources they command make them no match for national and transnational corporations .
27 They 've made it a , a , a sort of through cut there , which is now going to allow people to cross over erm , it 's , it 's going to make erm , two points of pedestrian access shown on the north boundary at the site , will create new rights of way and will become short cuts for pedestrians and especially children .
28 He said : ‘ They have made it a priority to discover a Yorkshire-born non-white player to play for them .
29 The skills they possess make them a valued commodity which most organizations would be loath to lose and keen to gain .
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