Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] he [is] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Why in in that case do you think that Sir Nicholas and he he he 's not stupid , I mean he 's a career politician , he 's come out and said this his wife has said that they 're both smiling on the front page of the newspaper at the moment and they go on to say it 's not fair on a man if a women undresses and then changes her mind .
2 I mean he 's a very good mecha me mechanic , is n't he ?
3 I mean he 's a young man and he 's
4 I mean he 's a business you know
5 I mean he 's a big skinny with glasses and whatever .
6 I mean he 's a lovely
7 Well Larry 's , I mean he 's a genius , so he is a bit awkward to get along with , erm not awkward to get along his sweet , but he 's
8 I mean he 's a rank Labour , he 's got everything up there cos he was telling Mike , I mean he 's got his neck in a collar and he 's been waiting
9 I mean he 's a happy little soul , is n't he , in in certain respects ?
10 but I mean he 's a millionaire , and that 's how , I mean this is the difference between probably between him and Joe , I mean he do n't depend on money to come into this
11 I mean he 's a , he 's got to a , he 's got to be a claim all across the whole sitting is that the , that their budgeting is not enough is it ?
12 I mean he 's a bit thick .
13 I erm I 'll make , I can easily make Charlie feel guilty cos he , I mean he 's a bit of a try-hard , you know , he thinks he 's a lad but I mean underneath I think he does feel something sometimes .
14 Especially as Pete , I mean he 's a bit of a sort of one of them .
15 I mean he 's a friend of Jamie 's anyway is n't he ?
16 He does n't , I mean he 's a very nice chap , I think everyone would agree with that , erm but the question is
17 I mean he 's no nugget he 's er
18 Looks good business at Villa I mean he 's an exciting player but two million pounds that 's a huge fee .
19 he 's the landlo er I mean he 's the licensee with Rob ?
20 I mean he is a comedian .
21 I , I looking for him cos they er , I mean he is a old farmer .
22 I expect he 's a perfectly nice man .
23 You must have control of your class , sometimes if you do n't , under , when I say he 's a weak teacher I do n't mean he 's a bad teacher .
24 I say he 's no business hanging around Florence .
25 I hear he 's an import . ’
26 I know it 's pathetic , I know he 's a victim of a miserable nonconformist suburban world and a miserable social class , the horrid timid copycatting genteel in-between class .
27 I know he 's a prisoner . ’
28 ‘ Oh , I know he 's a bit single-minded about Woodline …
29 I know he 's a late convert , but he 's not the only one .
30 Well I know he 's a clever chap .
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