Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [been] there for " in BNC.

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1 First of all I thought I 'd tell you who I was I 'm a G P in er in New Harlow , in Bush Fair , and I 've been there for nearly three years now .
2 You 've been there for over a month . ’
3 which is when you 've been there for a for genuinely over an hour and a half .
4 We have been there for 20 years .
5 Mhm cos they 've been there for ages have n't they Mary do n't you think ?
6 But they 've been there for twenty years on that spot .
7 See look at all those cross pieces , they look as they 've been there for some purpose , you know ?
8 I mean these have n't just been put here , they 've been there for a long time !
9 They are there ; they have been there for years .
10 Rocks look more natural if you bed them into the gravel slightly , as if they have been there for years .
11 No footings were laid — the walls were built directly on the patio paving stones ; they have been there for years and I thought there was little chance of them subsiding .
12 The most difficult part of getting out a galvanised hot water tank is likely to be disconnecting the pipes leading to and from the boiler particularly if they have been there for some time .
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