Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Mummy me want to eat them in the high chair
2 Mummy me want to eat them in that high chair , you staying out here ?
3 Yes , just on the sub-ward level , of course there 's really , there 's a lot more investigations to go into targeting the resources , just I mean to target them in a city by having these standard mortality ratios for wards , but they 're all below ward level , and target the specific areas .
4 ‘ There is a big future for this club , and I intend to put it on the right footing .
5 I intend to do it in a proper English accent ( You can do it ) .
6 I need to know the wiring for the Nato socket as I intend to use it for towing my caravan , but will need to alter the wiring to suit or obtain another Nato plug and add the 12n/12s plugs to this .
7 I have the advantage , Meredith , and I intend to use it against you . ’
8 I intend to return it to its rightful owner , ’ she said grittily .
9 ‘ That is my assessment of the case , Madame , as I intend to report it to my commandant . ’
10 I intend to introduce him to the Führer at that meeting , General .
11 For the Lord revealed , ‘ I intend to baptise them with tongues of fire ’ ( Wagner 1973:16 ) .
12 We will take coffee at once and then I intend to show her over the house .
13 I hate to see it like that . ’
14 I hate to burden you with this .
15 I hate to admit it in fact but er , no the way they got things organized , got lecture tours , rallies and what have you together , you know I think er taught us an incredible amount .
16 I mean you are , you know , you are now I hate to te I hate to break it to you but you are .
17 ‘ There are least three shops in Norwich I really like , and I tend to ring them in advance and say ‘ I 'm coming in for half an hour .
18 I tend to keep them in the originals cos then I if I need to .
19 It would have been a richer joy — but , indeed , as I so often tell you , I delight to picture you in a childlike serenity .
20 And I want to remind you of the history of when amalgamations take place , because a number of people have touched on that very point this morning .
21 That 's what I want to use it for .
22 ‘ And I want to use it in the plot for my new novel , ’ Melissa continued .
23 There are four key ideas in that sentence , and I want to underline them for a few more minutes .
24 I want to thank him for his patience , foresight , and ability to interpret my ideas , incorporate his own with them , and achieve what you see here tonight .
25 ‘ And I want to thank you on Hilda 's behalf .
26 I do n't know your name , but I want to thank you for your kindness to me on the night I left Weatherbury .
27 I want to thank you for this opportunity and tell you I will do my very best for you . ’
28 I want to thank you for the roses , ’ she said .
29 I want to thank you for all you did for Mam .
30 You do n't yet give us money , although I hope may , one day you will be persuaded to do so , but you have given us time , and particularly in the person of your colleague Sandra who is here , and her time to us has been enormously valuable and I want to thank you for that .
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