Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [to-vb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I mean to live in England and be a Master of Hounds , not a rotten little king of a rotten little country .
2 I mean to go to Italy one day , as my brother has done , ’ she told me , when I discovered her on a stone bench in the garden , reading a book .
3 I mean to get to Beckenham that way it takes .
4 Ca n't be certain , but it looks as if Allied Signal Corp chief executive Lawrence Bossidy has ruled himself out of the running for the top job at IBM Corp : he says that although he is ‘ flattered to be mentioned as a candidate for chairman of another company , I intend to remain at Allied-Signal to complete the job I came here to do . ’
5 The compassion I intend to show to Miller marks an important turning point in my own personal history .
6 I would say I tend to listen to Peter Gabriel more .
7 I tend to agree with Tims sentiments about Deane .
8 I tend to agree with Fred , ’ he replied .
9 I 've never walked the whole 72-mile coast path in one go as I tend to head to Dorset at weekends and just explore different areas on day walks .
10 I tend to think of Basil still driving around the West Riding in his black Morris Minor , but in fact on a most memorable trip to Scotland , buying work for the West Riding schools , he already had a grey station-wagon .
11 If possible we must spend that time at Coate [ where Edward then was ] , and now I long to go to Horsmonden , for every place where you have lived and been happy , is to me dearer than any others .
12 Whenever I am in Barcelona I expect to run into Jordi , even today , thirty years later , in a totally different , freer , happier Spain .
13 I propose to go to Durham , or anywhere else I choose , by myself . ’
14 I want to apologise to Sophie . ’
15 was because I want to go via Mottingham before I go to and buy a small plant .
16 I want to go with Mick , Mother . ’
17 I want to go with Matthew .
18 For example in the revision of I want to + infinitive I want to go to Italy might be taken as the basic sentence .
19 I want to go to Greece , ’ said Mary , but smilingly and rather sleepily .
20 I want to go to Fablan Fawr . ’
21 I want to go to Paris , Madrid , Prague , Vienna , places like that . ’
22 If I go in , I want to go to Bethnal Green Hospital . ’
23 She said I want to go to Minehead now , what she said it 's only just up there , yeah I know but I 've , I 've bloody got to climb down there and bloody try and get back she says , er
24 I want to go to Brussels , that 's the best place .
25 Hey one at a time , one at a time I want to go to Audrey Wise in a second .
26 Emily and I want to go to Belgium , to learn French .
27 Then I want to go to Marks .
28 Oh come poppet , because I want to go to Marks , so what do you think ?
29 So , I 'm fed up I want to go to Malita And then we get , they 'll call in and say you have n't come up there for a week !
30 I want to go in Christopher 's seat .
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