Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [pers pn] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 No that 's what I mean they never go out
2 That 's why me mum and dad voted Liberal Democrat this time , I mean they never vote for them .
3 I mean we never did any French trips .
4 I mean I never went through it much , but this last fortnight
5 No she said er , I did n't , I mean I did n't f I mean I never ask him anything
6 I mean I never have given my dogs chocolates or anything like that , a lot of people do .
7 Until she said in front of the Rembrandt , ‘ Do n't you think he got the teeniest bit bored halfway through — I mean I never feel I feel what I ought to feel .
8 Because at one time th I mean you never saw them because they were pushed away in in these
9 I mean you never look at someone and say , I mean apart from your parents
10 And rubbish oh she was , I mean she never got out of bad for a week !
11 I mean Margaret used to come in and everything was done for her , I mean she never had to do a thing well that hit her terribly you see .
12 I thought she was talking about you , I mean she never mentioned no names when she came rushing up to the top just the same , do n't know what 's the matter with Wynne today , the edge there Lynda .
13 Has she not I mean she never watches it after tea if you notice , she 'll always go out and play or something .
14 I mean she never liked that car .
15 ‘ In all games I coach I never go in with the understanding that there is only one person for one position .
16 He , he was a real friendly guy and like I say he never said cheerio before he went , but one day he just painted his aircraft up with the D-day landing signs which we did n't know at the time and the next day he was gone of course it was very much top secret that was but the town just emptied of all Americans it was like a ghost town after them but it had been previously .
17 It is taken from Wing Commander II and it says ‘ Now get out of here and I hope we never meet again ! ’ , brilliant .
18 Thanks also for opting for Portsmouth , I hope we never see him playing for the opposition in a ‘ real ’ match as it might spoil memories … bit like Shez and the Frog …
19 I hope I never go deaf and have to wear a hearing-aid ; it will sound like the Atlantic rollers crashing up over the rocks at Land 's End .
20 I hope I never like that !
21 I hope I never know . ’
22 ‘ My goodness , I hope I never become as cynical as you , ’ she sighed .
23 I hope I never find myself agreeing that the old songs are the best songs , but I also hope I never forget how wonderful some of the old songs are .
24 I always carry some with me , but I hope I never have to use it because I do n't think I 'd get near him with the needle . ’
25 But I have twice dreamt of being led to the noose , the second time I got closer than the first , I hope I never have a third !
26 But I have twice dreamt of being led to the noose , the second time I got closer than the first , I hope I never have a third !
27 I hope I never do again .
28 In fact , I hope I never see the place again .
29 ‘ It 's called feminism , ’ said Henry , ‘ and I hope you never get it , because it is absolutely awful and it makes you swell up to an enormous size and when you have it really badly you go round bonking men on the head and blaming them for everything .
30 ‘ Wherever you are now , Beth , I hope you never know your father 's unhappiness .
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