Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [pers pn] [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But I mean it was it that we were taken to first , and I mean thee was a lot of people on it and I mean it had obviously saved a lot of lives .
2 Now that is you know what do you do with these things I mean they 're a nuisance when it comes to making a presentation .
3 Er I mean they 're the kinds of things I 'm interested in knowing .
4 I mean they 're the same , the same
5 I mean they 're the ones who are badgering me for , for qualifications , they 're badgering me for , I , I , I just told them straight that I will do it for them because I , I wo n't get paid for it
6 Oh yes , er yes they were , they were er of course there was a great divide there I mean between the Liberals I mean they were the only two parties in those days .
7 I mean we 're a typical case , we believe we have something that is wonderfully innovative and capable of succeeding financially in a global market place .
8 featured the last er three years some of the other companies have only been here since last year and the year before so I mean we 're a national tour operator
9 But , I mean we 're a long way from that , and I do n't want people to think that I 'm from saying er redundancies are imminent , er
10 I mean we 're the mugs are n't we really ?
11 I mean we were the first show to put Demis Roussos on .
12 I mean ours was a comparably small family with two .
13 By that I mean it is a way of bringing dignity , caring and love right into the heart of the impersonal secular world of modernity .
14 Erm , I mean it is a terrible problem . .
15 I mean it is a quite complex problem because once you 've
16 Yes , I I Councillor is quite right , I mean it is a new new departure to centre these panels in the neighbourhoods , it was always our intention to come back after a a period had elapsed er , we , with the new system to bring to members attention the success or otherwise of the neighbourhood panels .
17 up and down the intervals I mean it is a bit of a muchness really .
18 the other thing we might do is erm is a at the film council and see if he can help us with , I mean it is a film after all whether he 's got er particular contacts
19 That 's interesting cos I mean it is a sort of a variant
20 In itself in providing a greater degree of traffic relief Yes it I mean it is a good thing , it is a plus point .
21 Erm , I mean it is a problem , and er one that we 're addressing , but
22 I mean it is a longer training now , what it used to be .
23 it 's basic but I mean it is a nice
24 Sorry I ca n't really sort of say I must admit I could n't really see why they should be like that really cos I mean it is a bit puzzling cos if they 've only just done anything , they 've only been tampering with this finger so
25 I mean it is a bit , well
26 I mean it is a few years back but I can remember not long ago it was eighteen P
27 I mean it is a bind , and , and it is n't very pleasant given somebody the sack either .
28 Yeah , they should , I mean it is a problem
29 Well , I have to say , I mean it is a fairly gloomy picture , is it not , with the recession and then the Gulf war , which we said both of those there are signs well certainly the war , we hope , is over .
30 I mean it is a possibility , and if he 's going to be awkward perhaps we 'll have to just make sure that we do that , which is presumably fairly easy , if the post goes out from the same office .
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