Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then I forge myself a letter .
2 Well I mean it 's gone much beyond that I mean they the reality of the situation is er is not like that I 'm afraid I mean it Eighteen men have been sacked and and these are men that have put those quarries where they are .
3 Er so I mean that c because er I mean they the steel balls and steel rollers go into the bin I mean they ca n't be used for anything .
4 I mean what a character .
5 I mean what a hassle .
6 There was some rather naff comments about the union people COHSE I mean what a shower .
7 Yeah I know but I mean what a way to look .
8 But now I mean what a difference .
9 well perhaps , but women get very angry as well , but nothing seems to change , I mean what the heck do you do about it when some estimable er gentleman and it almost invariably must be a gentleman since their by far the huge proportion of er presiding judge 's and magistrate 's comes out with that kind of comment about er a woman 's victim reputation or behaviour as he sees it , I mean what is , what is the answer there ?
10 But I mean what the pay relative to us the cost of living and everything else , I do n't know .
11 I mean what the fuck are you gon na do with the tickets ?
12 I mean what the Bible calls ‘ the fellowshipping of yourselves together ’ .
13 Oh yes , smashing , I mean its a combination between police and stewards and erm
14 I mean you no harm .
15 I mean you no harm .
16 He 's holding James and Richard 's reins while I bring you a bit nearer .
17 I make myself a cup of milkless tea , vintage 1974 , and take a cautious sip .
18 And I make sure that I 'm here and I open up for them , and I make them a cup of tea .
19 DAYFLOWER a strong finishing fifth in the Newmarket 1000 gns , may find conditions more to her liking at the Curragh tomorrow and I make her the selection for the Irish ‘ 1000 ’ .
20 It is , I make it a couple of minutes past
21 I make it a rule to go at least three times .
22 When I go along , say , to open a fete or spring fayre , I make it a rule not to rush straight away after my little speech .
23 I make it a rule never to mix business with pleasure .
24 I make it a rule never to drive at more than forty-five in a built-up area . ’
25 ‘ Sorry , but I make it a rule never to have working lunches — so bad for the digestion , I find .
26 ee , I make you a year younger
27 Good I , as I make you a pie then for your tea .
28 I do n't know , something about youth club , probably if I make you a cup of coffee
29 I shift myself a stair higher , so that I can reach up and stroke my son 's head .
30 I realise what a fool I was , throwing myself at you the way I did . ’
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