Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] [verb] [adv prt] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 you see if you can get a certain amount of money yes I mean take out two thousand or something
2 Oh they do , yes they do like I mean going back forty seven round there well perhaps you know , forty six were n't it ?
3 Broadstone , God I hate filling in these stupid forms .
4 I tend to snap up good second-hand equipment if I have the opportunity , and obtain new items by approaching stand-holders at the big shows 5 minutes before packing-up time on Sunday .
5 I want to filter out all that Kylie and Jason stuff . ’
6 ‘ In that case I want to go out this afternoon and do something .
7 Well I 'm still treasurer at the bowls club and I do n't feel that I want to take on two .
8 There is also the question of the evidence put to Parliament , and I want to take up those issues in Committee .
9 I want to take down some dado and picture rails .
10 Right now , I want to rip off all your clothes with my teeth , ’ Vitor declared , in a low throaty voice .
11 There is , however , another element in the GP 's ideology and with this I want to draw out one of the most powerful of the myths of medical work and relate it back to my earlier theme of profession as mystery .
12 Well , yes , I want to find out some about the history of Kuwait .
13 ‘ I want to know what she was like , and I want to clear up some questions which have been puzzling me and which do n't appear on the record . ’
14 Oh my darling , I am too happy and excited to be able to write all the things I want to say to you , so much is crowding in , so much has happened in such a short while and I want to pin down some of this marvellous feeling before it all rushes by and becomes more accepted — because , Betty , I do feel that we accept each other , there is a tolerance , a straightness between us that makes it all possible .
15 and they said I want to work out this angle .
16 I want to buy up all of the city , ’ said Jimmy .
17 ‘ That 's not quite honest — I want to follow up that investigation myself .
18 Also , I like to build up dark areas in this way , spray-fix and then apply lighter tones over the top , as in the foliage areas of the painting .
19 I get dressed up all the time .
20 I get to act out all the horrors and pressures of fame , and some of the things that I worry about in my own life are purged .
21 In the first chapter I attempt to set out some of the different forms of theism and atheism .
22 ‘ It 's a big strain — I dread getting up some days . ’
23 I do take on , I do take on one point that the Conservatives have begun to raise to make in their in their motion which what we do n't want is another heavy tier of bur bureaucracy .
24 Oh yes I think ploughing through all this lot .
25 I prefer to pass over these and the other Strauss songs with orchestra , where there is little improvement , although both Morgen and Wiegenlied , where no pressure on tone is required , are ingratiatingly done and better tuned than Nilsson 's accounts with piano .
26 I 've lived in London all my life , and I 've built up three businesses from scratch . ’
27 ‘ Right then , I 've called out enough instructions , now I 'll point to one of you and you must make up the instruction to be obeyed in just the same way as I have been doing .
28 This is the first time I 've stayed up this long !
29 I 've saved up twenty dollars in
30 Well , I 'm going to start on , I 've cut up some so I 'm going to finish cutting them up and lay them out .
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