Example sentences of "[pers pn] [det] [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We saw you all go into the tunnel , and then we went across the hill to see you all come out , ’ explained Peter .
2 You 're all having arguments about that , you all go to the pictures , an early showing , you go home , bung a Marks and Spencer 's meal into the oven , they 're great I could live on it , O K , just bung it into the oven , pull out the cork , then you sit down , wind down the week , couple of sherbets , maybe a glass of brandy , one o'clock in the morning , here we come , and all the rest of it , sort the world out , Friday night , wind down , enjoy the weekend .
3 no cos why you all go in the sitting room with Allerton , they 've gone in the kitchen with Allerton she 'll laugh .
4 And then you all go round the car boot and they have their own car and they 'll be selling your stuff out of it .
5 You all know , have you all come across The Body Shop ?
6 I mean , you all know about the image the cruiseliners have with wealthy widows and things like that .
7 This gives each musician time to practise so that you all arrive at the rehearsal ready to try out new , revised musical parts .
8 You both seem with the situation in hand .
9 ‘ Leith 's just been telling me that you both work for the same firm , ’ he put on a front for the rest of the world to joke .
10 You and your wife have been separated for a continuous two-year period , and you both agree to the divorce .
11 There 's many a true word spoken in jest , but there must be lessons here to help them all awaken from the financial nightmare that the lending institutions have exacerbated .
12 No , it 's got to be an alert , and if we all keep to the same story we might just get away with it .
13 Erm , I would like to close by saying that erm I just thought it would be just a nice idea that I would invite any of you members of the Council and wives who have n't got anything else to do on Christmas morning , if you fancy popping up to my house for a glass of sherry or whatever , just on a casual basis as a little thank you for what you 've done over the erm over the last twelve months , I extend that invitation to you all and District Councillors if they wish to come and I would like to say , on behalf of the Council , that I hope you all have a , this is the last full meeting , and to everybody here I hope you have a very nice happy peaceful Christmas and I hope we all go into the new year with renewed vigour .
14 We all go through the bad times so if these Glentoran supporters or any other supporters of other clubs would get behind their team , instead of giving continual stick , perhaps fortunes on the park might change .
15 He is quite decided that it is important that we all go to the one service although I feel that if we covered both services then we would not miss out on anything .
16 The bell rings at 8.45 and we all gather at the door to our tutor base .
17 We all worry about the things we can not alter .
18 We all get into the trough and try to grab a bit for ourselves .
19 We all marvel at the Red Kite , ’ says Gareth , ‘ But we do n't marvel at the little beetles which are the reason it 's there . ’
20 She said well we all help on the weekends , even my dad helps , I said , but who actually makes the decisions about what you do , what you eat , what you buy
21 Branches are jammed against the doors and we all retire for the night .
22 Still , we all know about the opinion polls .
23 We all know about the sorry state of the environment but are we doing enough about it ?
24 Now we all know about the commercialization of Christmas and the pressure to spend money to give the kids the best , which often means the most expensive !
25 We all know about the crisis in agriculture which has been well described by many hon. Members .
26 But then , we all know about the virtues of BMW motoring .
27 We all know of the dramatic effects of the venoms of snakes and spiders , the savage stings of wasps and jellyfish and the virulent poisons of scorpions and stingrays , but there are many other examples in the animal kingdom and some of them are even more lethal .
28 We all know of the hon. Gentleman 's concern for environmental protection and for tropical and rain forests , but the article in The Guardian — I stress , The Guardian — drew attention to the fact that the proposal was to take only 20 cu m of wood per hectare , which is only eight trees , every 20 years .
29 Those that take up the service , and of course we all know in the school meals service that the take up figures are very low .
30 As we all know from the Squidgy tape , when she is displeased with her she refers to her as ‘ the red head ’ .
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