Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] first " in BNC.

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1 Actually I 'll get in first , that 'll be rather good cos I do n't have to pay .
2 I would like to first call , in alphabetical order , Robert
3 Her last champion of any standing was now a pinch of potash in the ruins of still-smoking Ankh-Morpork , and there were hardly any pieces that she could promote to first rank .
4 ‘ I 'd been asking why she 'd taken a clerical job when she 'd had an art training and she said it was all she could get at first but after a while she 'd managed to wangle this daytime class . ’
5 We 'll put him on his way to-day , and you shall follow at first light .
6 For making up you will have to first paste the motif on to ‘ A ’ , as before , then cut in ‘ C ’ .
7 Let's see what you can make of first of all that one .
8 You can find out before anyone else who it is that 's in trouble over rates or who 's in debt or who 's emigrating , so that you can get in first and grab their paltry few acres .
9 This is something you can practise at first when sitting or standing still .
10 I said , we 'll have to first time and yet it 's all he wants and he was gon na take a day 's pay off .
11 For example , we might begin by first attacking the mentalist notion of " privileged access " .
12 If there 's nothing , apart from that we can move onto first aid .
13 Overall most anthropologists would probably see indirect connection between all the factors which Engels considered , but these interrelations must remain much more problematic and ambiguous than they might seem at first , and the general conclusions which Engels sought in the work of Morgan are not possible .
14 After some preparatory work in Napier , they will learn at first hand about how organisations work , relating theory to the aims of their particular community partner organisation and how it achieves those aims .
15 They can function as first homes for some young families , and Dunn et al .
16 This is not as much of a gamble as it may appear at first sight , there are general principles of how to cope with the system , some of which can be built into automatic safeguards and some of which can be conveyed to the operator as knowledge and instructions .
17 But as is already clear from what was said in the last chapter , the irreducibility thesis , plausible though it may appear at first sight , remains highly vulnerable to criticism and requires important additional assumptions if it is to be taken at all seriously .
18 The role of management is not as simple as it may appear at first glance .
19 It may seem at first sight that the plot of land , the fief , as it was called , was a reward for service , something granted in exchange for service , which would fall in when the vassal died and be regranted to a new vassal .
20 However , this limitation is not as serious as it may seem at first sight , since the thoughtful response may well be regarded as an adequate objective .
21 Innocuous though it may seem at first sight , this can be interpreted ( at least in the written form ) in two ways : either ‘ I dislike him ’ ( the most usual reading ) , or , in suitable contexts , ‘ It 's not true that I like him ’ ( for instance , in I do n't dislike him , but I do n't like him either ) .
22 This conclusion is not so unsatisfactory as it might appear at first sight .
23 The establishment of such a correlation is not as easy as it might seem at first , because lead is only one ( and probably not one of the more important ) influences on the behaviour and intelligence of children , so that the correlation would at best be low , and hence require a large number of cases to be established at an acceptable level of statistical significance .
24 This was not quite as outrageous as it might seem at first .
25 And so it might seem at first that the anorexic is striving to maintain worthlessness .
26 This is not as heretical a suggestion as it might seem at first sight .
27 Implausible as it might seem at first , there is now good evidence that nitric oxide ( NO ) is an important endogenous dioactive substance .
28 It might seem at first sight that this pace was unambiguously beneficial to demand ( being crucial to market growth ) and equally unambiguously detrimental to profitability ( being the only thing preventing a phenomenal profits bonanza ) .
29 He insisted that he should visit the Tiller office so that he could observe at first hand how things were run .
30 It would seem at first sight feasible to calculate this size in a way which reflected precisely the actual use for each category .
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