Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [verb] all " in BNC.

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1 and we 'll decide which ones we want , and I 'll just delete all the remaining empty
2 Many girls were saying to me , ‘ I ca n't cope with having breasts , the hassle it brings , the fear of rape or the jokes and remarks from boys , the idea that I must be a slag or a ‘ goer ’ , so rather than try to deal with the whole world ( which I ca n't ) , I 'll just turn all my anger inwards against myself , against the thing I can control : my body . ’
3 well that 's right , I mean if , if you , if you 've already paid for things like Reflex and erm green card and stuff like that , if you want I 'll , I 'll just put all the petrol on erm me Visa
4 ‘ Doctor , I 'll gladly answer all your questions , if you 'll just answer one of mine . ’
5 I 'll never eat all this ! ’ she protested feebly .
6 So I 'll now go all shy .
7 I could certainly get all those lists
8 I could hardly understand all the curious words .
9 Usually I spend money on fish rather than on equipment , as I could never afford all the trimmings for 20-plus tanks !
10 ‘ I thought if I could still do all this I must be allowed to continue .
11 I 'd rather forget all about last night , ’ she continued coldly , trying to avoid the mockery in his narrowed eyes .
12 ‘ If it means that , I 'd rather do all that running an' swimming and stuff !
13 I 'd willingly plunge all my earnings into the estate , but I suppose it would be a drop in the ocean . ’
14 I would rather plan all that myself .
15 And I would just caution all of us , when we 're discussing local needs or migration , be it at the county level or at the district council level .
16 I would also grow all our own organic vegetables for the table .
17 I would also avoid all those bent wire contraptions : they may look attractive in a well photographed catalogue but do little for the design of your garden .
18 I would certainly encourage all council staff to speak out when they believe something may be wrong . ’
19 A treatment cream will then help you to improve the condition to an acceptable level and I would certainly try all of these methods conscientiously before even considering the much more serious courses of action — injections or surgery .
20 I would fully support all of the good work that is done and I would wish it to continue .
21 I shall immediately take all steps to destroy your father 's fortune so that you , my noble Lord Marquess , will have married your Yankee bride for nothing .
22 I shall also do all that I can to ensure that brewers behave responsibly towards their tenants .
23 " I Charles Gillingham Hamilton M.A. of Stockport in the Borough of Stockport and County of Chester , Clerk , a Clergyman of the Church of England , in priest 's orders and a Graduate of the University of Dublin declare that I will discharge always to the best of my ability the duties of Headmaster of the Stockport Grammar and Free School , and that in case I shall he removed from my Office I will thereupon relinquish all claim to the Office and its future emoluments and I will deliver up possession of the School and my residence to the Trustees and that it shall be lawful for them in the same case without ejectment or other legal process to take possession of my residence and remove myself and my effects therefrom . "
24 Mr Deaves ' response : ‘ I will happily pay all the money back , as soon as I can . ’
25 T : I can just imagine all those old rappers going — ( makes vomiting noise ) — ‘ This is hippyshit , man ’ .
26 I can only hope all this has shaken the kinks out of my system . ’
27 Some days I think I 'm only young — I fell straight away for her [ the baby ] — I used to think before I was married I 'd better get all the clothes I want now because I 'll never get them when I 'm married — but I was wrong , because I can really have all I want now …
28 We also had to learn a great deal of poetry by heart — poetry which I can still recall all these years later .
29 However , he or she may also render all the partners collectively liable .
30 When diagnosed early , treatments available from aquatic specialists should help , but you must also make all necessary improvements in aquarium or pond conditions .
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