Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] use [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I may use them on Mrs occasionally .
2 She says I have just bought this pram from a jumble sale and I am thinking I may use it as a flower pot and maybe make some model babies out of flowers .
3 So I 'll use him as my contact .
4 I 'll use you for an excuse .
5 ‘ If you just ring them up you can not understand the problems they face so I thought this would be a good way that I could use myself as a focus on their work . ’
6 But in time the phrase turned into an excellent formula of excuse , and Elizabeth and I could use it with no feeling of heartlessness .
7 ‘ I 've been told by my superiors that I could use it in the same way that I would to prosecute anyone found mistreating a dog .
8 because the editor picks it up and say ‘ I can use that because I can see an angle , I could use it in this way or that way or ,
9 Well I thought I would use it as a raffle prize at school or something .
10 I started it basically on my own initiative and I said that for six months I would use it on people that I was going to sentence just to maintain a one judge control over the project and see how it was going .
11 ( These two terms , incidentally , story and plot , are sometimes used to describe two opposed types or aspects of narrative , but unfortunately they are also used as interchangeable synonyms and I shall use them as such . )
12 Are you not afraid , my lord , that I shall use it upon my own occasions ? which may not always be yours ?
13 Well , things that I learnt yesterday was erm Aldershot method the structured thought patterns and the coaching erm the Aldershot method is tremendous I liked that a lot for expansion editing summarising and first class and I will use it from now on .
14 ‘ But now I can use them for a different trade . ’
15 ‘ They 're not using it any more so they 've said I can use it for canteen stuff .
16 When a kestrel I was looking after died recently , I put it in the freezer so that I can use it for ‘ spares ’ if necessary .
17 So I thought well I 'll carry one of these for when I 'm going out in my car to which , you know , and if somebody does come up to me I can use it in a positive manner while in a split second time for me , hopefully beca , cos of my range of work
18 Please make copies of this so that you may use them at your convenience in the future to return information to the Council .
19 On this pinnacle of enthusiasm , with promises to meet later for dinner , or tea , or supper , and do not forget our daughter and our boat of course you must use it for your fishing and good day , Colonel Hope , good day — the hills are called fells by the natives …
20 The questions you then have to tackle are what you can use it for and , even more important , what you should use it for .
21 I told her she must use plenty of weights with the ribber and went back to my knitting .
22 In some lessons you might use it for five minutes .
23 I thought you might use it for your files . ’
24 Well you might use it for something .
25 Diverts , if I wrote divert up here you might use it against me in later life .
26 She could use it for spills to light her fags . ’
27 Since the advent of Felicity , she had gone up to sleep in the attic — an arrangement she preferred , as she had absolute privacy up there , and as luck would have it , there was an electric fire , so that she could use it as a study .
28 So , whether you 're looking for an alternative wastepaper bin , a planter or even kitchen storage , with prices starting at £18 you could use them for all these things and more
29 Er and not many fresh eggs but we did get dried eggs which were , were , it was n't a bad substitute but it was n't the same as a fresh egg but you could scramble them and you could use them for cooking but then you see there was very little fat .
30 You could use them as a decorative device on invitations , or as part of the design on your personal writing paper .
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