Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] go [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid I must go back into history again .
2 I should go back into the chair .
3 I should go out into the hall .
4 ‘ Do n't say another word , else I 'll go back into that room and pack my case and be away .
5 I ca n't wait to get back to detached , I 'll go back into some big hi-fi !
6 I shall go back into the classical age of Greece only in so far as it is necessary in order to understand the later times .
7 Unfortunately , Mother , who was sixty-seven , never really recovered , gradually became worse , and early the next year the doctor said she must go back into hospital for more examinations .
8 If Papandreou wishes to continue her righteous quest , she should go back into the smoke-filled rooms of the Bâtiment Berlaymont and re-package her proposals rationally .
9 She could go down into the town centre and look at the shops , have a cup of coffee somewhere , get back to her mother-in-law by four .
10 If there was a moon she used to go out into the yard , and look at the moon , and prophesy what the world was going to be like tomorrow .
11 You now owe me five thousand pound and you can go up into the middle .
12 From the top you can go down into the old crater via a scree slope which , viewed from the other side , looks impossibly steep ( ’ I 'm never going down there ! ’ ) but is actually quite easy ( the descent is 600ft . ) .
13 And in fact there are even more subtle things than that you can find if you look carefully at Oh I might er I think that we might go out into the garden and I 'll show you one or two other features out there that are er even more er interesting and er er exciting .
14 You see , and we , we remember last time we did something , we 'd go down into a or scout movement where
15 We can go down into the village .
16 We can go back into public after B if you so desire .
17 And in my own role as as the as being on the editorial board of the newsletter erm we need all the effort that we can going in into that really .
18 I do n't quite trust anyone with that job , and they must go back into their box .
19 ‘ You had better have a word with my husband , ’ Mrs Smith said , and indicated that they should go through into the drawing-room .
20 According to some recent work of mine , the answer is that they will go off into a little baby universe of their own .
21 Everything is spelt out to them , it is like getting it on a silver platter , so they can go off into another world for half and hour and get lost in this pretend world , ’ said Kylie .
22 they 're in that position , it 's gon na cost us to get out , cost us to get them out of it and they can go out into a bed and breakfast or they can stay in the house
23 It may stop after one or two drinks or it may go on into a spree .
24 Apparently Chéron hid Modi 's clothes to keep him in , for Brancusi claimed to have rescued the stranded painter by buying him a jersey and a pair of trousers so that he could go out into the street .
25 He used to go out into my garden and say oh he 's , oh he 's tonight , it would be er , one of his hair extensions !
26 My husband was mad on golf , and he used to go down into the park and send golf balls onto the lawn and then walk back through the rose garden which I put in the wrong place .
27 He would go down into the cellar tomorrow and put down some rat poison .
28 He would go off into a musing in the outfield .
29 He would go off into the mountains for days on end .
30 But apparently it will go on into the being Fridays , but
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