Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] only at [art] " in BNC.

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1 When he come , when his first one on , said she bet nobody , why Alice come last night at six o'clock but I did n't put them on , I was only at the , I take to the shops you know you do , you have to put the name who you 're talking to on
2 We are only at the beginning of a change which became more conspicuous later .
3 It should be remembered that we are only at the beginning and there are many varying factors yet to be confronted ; how much energy is used when recycling paper compared to using new stock ?
4 Finally , we realise that we are only at the beginning of what may prove to be one of the most significant developments of the twentieth century .
5 ‘ As yet , ’ said the Inspector imperturbably , ‘ we 're only at the beginning of our enquiries .
6 Since they 're only at the start of their two-month US tour , BMG sent them down to Next for some smart fashions .
7 It 's only at the end of their extremely short set that they 're gone — only to regroup before delivering a final killer punch .
8 It 's only at the end of their extremely short set that they 're gone — only to regroup before delivering a final killer punch .
9 It is only at the wedding that the two people most concerned are actually fully involved in the decision to have a religious ceremony , albeit not always as a result of a happy consensus , but nevertheless under pressure from some influence which inculcates the belief that some benefit will accrue to the marriage from the involvement of a believed-in ‘ god ’ .
10 In Gray 's Elegy there is also a ‘ hoary-headed Swain' , who addresses a ‘ kindred spirit ’ ( to the dead poet ) ‘ led by lonely contemplation ’ ; there may be other parallels , but it must be conceded at this point that it is only at the close of Hartleap Well that Wordsworth approaches closely to Gray 's verse movement :
11 I may try to shrink myself to an infinitesimal point of thinking Ego to which all spontaneous process is external , but the spontaneous is always springing up at the centre of me , thrusting me forward or dragging me back , and it is only at the periphery that I can take full control of it .
12 It is only at the end of a session when creativity is exhausted that the results are subjected to criticism and appraisal and an attempt is made to analyse what has been suggested .
13 But the " theatricality " of the play works beneath the purely formal level : Lord Claverton has always acted a role and it is only at the end of his life that he allows his true human self to emerge , although
14 It is only at the foot of the aircraft steps , with the propellers starting to down out his protests , that Leonard discovers that Maria will not be coming with him to London .
15 It is only at the end of the term of copyright that what has been protected passes into the public domain .
16 Fael-Inis continued to play without ceasing , and the music spun and shivered and soothed , and across the slanting features there was a look of the utmost concentration now , for it is only at the invitation of a Mortal that the Lad of the Skins can enter a house and do his terrible work .
17 Cashier services are under more and more pressure and , although sometimes they are given assistance , it is only at the expense of other work .
18 It is only at the end of the poem that Mariana finally despairs at the realisation that her lover will not come .
19 Although Bob 's command of Serbo-Croat is non-existent and he is only at the early stages of learning Russian the Causevics ' second language — he has enlisted the help of a friend , native Yugoslav Maria Delahunty , to act as an interpreter .
20 Until then I had succeeded in holding the impinging world at bay as well as in the desperate attempt to establish my own identity , but it was only at a bitter cost to myself .
21 It was only at the last moment that the real or unreal nature of an escape project was finally determined .
22 The three others rose to leave and it was only at the very last moment that he added , almost casually : ‘ What message were you supposed to phone to the American Consulate ? ’
23 We did n't know where it was and it was only at the end of the exhibition , when everything was being dismantled , that we found the piece hidden away and realised what had happened .
24 The EEC was attempting to do within its transition stage of fifteen years what Benelux did in three : and yet it was only at the end of its transitional period that Benelux had had to face up to serious difficulties in seeking to achieve its ambitions .
25 In fact , it was largely through the middle-class and scientific bias of the new provincial colleges that English Language , Literature , and History came to serve as a so-called " poor man 's classics " , and it was only at the very end of the century that Oxbridge became sufficiently concerned to begin to succumb to the then " national demand " for such studies and introduce new " Schools " and " Tripos " regulations that would allow the ancient institutions to take a lead in these new areas .
26 It was only at the end of McKerrows long tenure in 1940 that the Review was taken over by the Oxford Press .
27 Those engaged in classifying creatures in museums worked anyway with dead ones ; it was only at the very end of the nineteenth century that the collecting of dead animals and dead birds gave way to the careful observation of living ones , using binoculars .
28 ‘ I imagine , ’ Mr Renfrew said unexpectedly , ‘ that it was only at the end she felt the need . ’
29 While excerpts were performed sporadically in various Parisian concert series or at the Opera , it was only at the Schola Cantorum that whole acts or even complète operas were given notably , in the first decade of this century , Castor , Hippolyte , Dardanus and La guirlande .
30 It was only at the beginning of July that she was again taken ill .
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