Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 I have always been desirous of devoting what little capability and energy I may possess to the country which I love most dearly . ’
2 Then I may go to the Antarctic , maybe back to the South Pole again , hopefully with Nicky . ’
3 Yes , I readily accept that , er my general proposition is in er connection with the settlement pattern of York , and it is necessary clearly to have er careful regard to that existing settlement pattern , erm if I may refer to the helpful plan that has in fact been produced , I believe by the County Council , it is in fact an appendix to B two zero zero four , er this plan does actually indicate the general extent of the settlements outside the outer ring road of York .
4 My Lords , if I may revert to the proposition that a person can not consent to the theft of property from himself , it is absurd to suppose that a company consents to the theft of its own property , merely because the thief is for most purposes of the company its directing mind .
5 My Lords , having drafted this speech , I then had the pleasure and advantage of reading in draft the speech to be delivered by my noble and learned friend , Lord Browne-Wilkinson , and concluded that I ought to refer to the company fraud cases which were canvassed before your Lordships , lest it be thought that the Reg. v. Morris [ 1984 ] A.C. 320 statement of principle is inconsistent with a proper approach to such cases .
6 I ought to go to the party .
7 First , I must apologise to the House for not being present in the Chamber for some of the earlier speeches .
8 Before I consider whether this is a valid approach and whether in this case the coroner applied the correct test when he decided , as he undoubtedly did , that any omission by the ambulance service was not relevant to the cause of death , I must refer to the submissions of Mr. Coghlan , counsel for the coroner .
9 I must go to the loo , ’ said Jay .
10 She briefly told them what had occurred , and asked the lad to look for me and tell me that I must go to the police station and not come home without an officer for protection .
11 ‘ Then my bridegroom and I must go to the forest to become really and truly wed ?
12 I must go to the right here .
13 I must go to the shop , she told herself .
14 ‘ Yes , and I must go to the garage . ’
15 I must go to the pig farm .
16 I must confess to the odd panic attack every so often , though …
17 As to whether , after that , life came to this Earth by meteorites or in some other way , I must leave to the reader to decide .
18 I must to go to the pub and see
19 I must talk to the prior . ’
20 I had not intended to speak on the motion , but I feel that I must bring to the attention of the House certain points made by the Select Committee on Procedure in two reports to the House on the passage of legislation .
21 I must announce to the House that I have not selected either of the amendments on the Order Paper , but they may be referred to during the debate .
22 I must announce to the House that I have selected the amendment —
23 I must announce to the House that I have selected the amendment in the name of the Prime Minister .
24 I must announce to the House that I have selected the amendment in the name of the Prime Minister .
25 But I must readjust to the new and increasingly painful realization that this man is no longer to be trusted , not even in the smallest detail .
26 I must return to the Abbey .
27 In order to arrive at the truth behind the idyll , I must return to the matter of attributions .
28 I FEEL I must respond to the May 14 letter from R Hagan regarding transferring babies in-utero over a distance of 1,000 miles in Western Australia .
29 I must write to the Michelin and ask them to look again at the Fermette Marboeuf !
30 Yes , I could stay the night , as I was homeless and compulsorily brought here , but in the morning , as I was over twenty-five , I must report to the billeting Officer .
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