Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A phone call or a letter to them may set your investigations off on a completely new heading and give you further experts whose evidence would be helpful to you .
2 The roar of applause when it later rids itself of them may boost its popularity at a critical moment .
3 One or two of them may grab your arms while a third gets ready to hit you from the front .
4 Nevertheless , this suggestion by Rees does contain one useful pointer : if managers are non-altruistic , controls on them must influence their pay in order to affect performance .
5 Shakespeare must have thought them common enough : in As You Like It a frustrated Rosalind says , ‘ I prithee , take thy cork out of thy mouth that I may drink thy tidings . ’
6 I may modify my behaviour to conform to the expectations of the group , and I will do so in a much shorter time than I would in a one-to-one relationship .
7 But then I may fuse my gun
8 ‘ Are you afraid I may burn my fingers ? ’
9 I may change my mind . ’
10 More literally translated that verse runs like this : ‘ I may cover his face with the present that goes before my face ; and afterwards I shall see his face ; perhaps he will lift up my face . ’
11 ‘ Miss Kenton , I wonder if I may draw your attention to the fact that the bed linen for the upper floor will need to be ready by the day after tomorrow . ’
12 My conscience tells me that I owe it to God to be grateful to my father , who has spent his time unwearyingly upon my education , so that I may lighten his burden , look after myself and later on be able to support my sister …
13 that I may fear your name .
14 ‘ I hope I may trust your honour even that far ! ’ she shouted after him .
15 I may spend my days in a welter of silks and satins , but I 'm not an entire moron , you know . ’
16 A slight lift of one winged brow the only sign that he was amused by her deliberate omission , he went on , ‘ Well , then , Luce — I may call you Luce ? — what would you like to know ? ’
17 Treshnish ignored Lachlan , bowed to Eachuinn Odhar with respect and asked , ‘ Duart , will you tell me now where I may find my daughter , who handfasted with Lachlan Cattanach a year ago ?
18 I may have my faults , but ungratefulness is not one of them .
19 And soon , when I 'm old enough — he has said that I may have his camera , and take pictures for myself .
20 ‘ Do you know , I 'm coming to the conclusion that the time is fast approaching when I may accept his proposal ?
21 ‘ If I may use your telephone , then I 'll ring my surgery and get someone to bring the vaccination cards in right now . ’
22 I ought to slap your face , ’ she grated .
23 ‘ Does this mean when I go upstairs to bed , I ought to reset my watch when I come down in the morning because it 's got out of step with the clocks downstairs ? ’
24 It broke my heart to leave , but my daughter said I ought to take my chance .
25 I vowed to have no more to do with her but thought I ought to return her shoes and her key , so I snatched Frankie 's comic and tried to persuade him to come with me .
26 ‘ Why does everybody tell me I ought to watch my drinking when they 're all so busy watching it for me ?
27 I ought to call your bluff , ’ she muttered .
28 ‘ Do you think I ought to tell her husband ? ’
29 Suddenly he walked back to me and said I ought to avenge my father 's death and that he could help me .
30 Mayer , upon hearing this , attacked Gilbert , screaming , ‘ I ought to cut your balls off ! ’
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