Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adj] that that " in BNC.

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1 I am delighted that that has happened , because it shows the Government 's firm commitment to the cause of the arts throughout the country .
2 I am sure that that will prove the case .
3 I am sure that that will be discussed today at the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation .
4 I am sure that that issue is not dead and that the health authority will continue to look for more appropriate landing facilities .
5 However , I want to make it clear that , by allowing him to come to Britain , neither I nor any Conservative Member has any agreement whatever with the racialist views that he is peddling , and I am sure that that is true of Opposition Members as well .
6 I am sure that that view is shared by Scotland .
7 I am sure that that is absolutely true .
8 I am sure that that is right .
9 I know that a Labour Government will be returned and I am sure that that Government will not take as long as from 1986 to the present time , as this Government have , to do something constructive about changing the law and bringing in legislation that could be enforced throughout the country .
10 I am sure that that money will be used with the utmost effect to promote more and more scientific developments at Southampton university .
11 I am sure that that is the way forward .
12 I am sure that that is a very good definition .
13 They have disappeared from the scene , but I am sure that that is not what the Government intended .
14 I am sure that that is a process in which the Opposition would wish to take part .
15 I am sure that that is so , but he also reminded us that , if he vetoed the draft treaty , the 11 other member states would go outside the treaty of Rome and sign a currency agreement of their own , leaving us out .
16 I am sure that that proposal would have affected the lives of my constituents .
17 I am sure that that newspaper lives or dies by its advertising and can claim some expertise on the subject .
18 I am sure that that will be familiar to hon. Members with teenage children .
19 I seemed to go round in circles , and I am sure that that has happened to many hon. Members .
20 I am sure that that announcement will be greeted with great interest by the 1st and 2nd battalions the 52nd Lowland Volunteers and the 1st , 2nd and 3rd battalions of the Highland Volunteers .
21 I am sure that that former right hon. Member of this House could do a lot to help Northern Ireland by giving us a favourable response in the very near future , as I believe he will .
22 ‘ The investigation is being conducted vigorously and I am confident that that will become publicly clear in due course . ’
23 I am confident that that , too , will help in the years ahead .
24 As the hon. Gentleman knows , following the passage of the Security Service Act 1989 , the Government judged that it was right to announce the appointment of a new director general of the Security Service and I am pleased that that has , rightly , been seen as a positive step .
25 I am sorry that that old favourite , the very nauseating tie usually worn by the hon. Member for Great Grimsby ( Mr. Mitchell ) , is not with us , although the hon. Gentleman has just arrived .
26 I had hoped that some progress would be made in the autumn and I am disappointed that that has not happened .
27 I am afraid that that is not the view of the Association of British Chambers of Commerce , about which the hon. Gentleman asks .
28 That was always the portrait that was painted by the right hon. Member for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) and I am afraid that that is occasionally true of the present Prime Minister also .
29 I am hopeful that that would not be necessary , ’ said Supt Field .
30 I am concerned that that will happen long before the community care changes come into force .
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