Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All of them are given a warm Irish welcome to make them feel at home . ’
2 Ninety five in time , one hundred pounds at one hundr and ten , twenty one thirty in front I 'm bid a hundred and thirty and I shall sell for one hundred and thirty pounds thank you , the lady 's offer , one thirty , front row and for that 's for number six one two .
3 I 'm left a little cold by sampling and sequencers in general — just as I would n't consider a romantic liaison with my fridge — but I did find myself interested by it all .
4 And sorry , while I 'm speaking I 'm I 'm left a little confused .
5 Lot number eight Lot eight there we are there it is showing to you , Lot number eight and I 'm offered a hundred pounds to start me on it , one hundred pounds and ten , twenty , one hundred and twenty pounds at a hundred and twenty pounds all s all done at one twenty , one thirty , forty a hundred and forty pounds selling for one hundred and forty pounds , any more at one hundred and forty pounds .
6 Seventy pounds , seventy five eighty , eighty five ninety five one hundred and ten one twenty I 'm offered a hundred and twenty pounds , I 'll sell , one thirty one forty fifty one sixty one seventy one eighty one ninety carrying on , sir ?
7 Lot number thirty three Lot number thirty three is the hanging basket there 's the hanging basket showing , a hundred pounds for this , at one hundred pounds and ten twenty , thirty , forty , fifty sixty , seventy one eighty I 'm offered a hundred and eighty pounds , one ninety two hundred two twenty , two forty , two sixty eighty three hundred three hundred 's bid on my left and selling for three hundred pounds second row , three hundred pounds .
8 Lot number thirty five Lot number thirty five there we are , there it is showing , Lot number thirty five , eighty pounds for this one , at eighty , eighty five , ninety , ninety five , one hundred is offered I 'm offered a hundred pounds and selling for one hundred , all done ?
9 Lot number fifty Lot fifty is a wood carving , a Japanese wood carving , eighty pounds for this , eighty five , ninety five , one hundred and ten I 'm offered a hundred and ten pounds , I shall sell , one twenty , one thirty , forty , fifty one sixty bid I 'm offered one sixty to my right , at one hundred and sixty pounds , have you all finished at one sixty ?
10 Lot number fifty four Lot fifty four copper bowl copper bowl showing for a hundred pounds , at one hundred and ten at a hundred and ten , twenty , thirty , forty , fifty sixty , seventy one eighty offered I 'm offered a hundred and eighty pounds , I shall sell for one eighty , one ninety going on sir ?
11 One seventy , one eighty one ninety offered I 'm offered a hundred and ninety pounds , have you all finished at one ninety ?
12 Er Lot number eighty one Lot number eighty one er the inkstone there it is , Lot number eighty one and I 'm offered a hundred and fifty in two places one hundred and fifty , one sixty , seventy , one eighty , one ninety two hundred , two twenty two hundred and twenty bid at two hundred and twenty pounds two twenty only , at two twenty .
13 Lot number eighty eight Lot number eighty eight the bronze model there 's the bronze model showing and I 'm offered a hundred and fifty for it , one fifty , one sixty , one seventy any more ?
14 And Lot number one O seven , Lot number one O seven , the one-case inro there 's the inro and I 'm offered a hundred and fifty to start me , at one fifty , sixty , seventy , one eighty , one ninety two hundred and twenty is bid , at two hundred and twenty is offered , selling at two hundred and twenty , two forty , two sixty two eighty , three hundred and twenty , three fifty three eighty do you want to come in , sir ?
15 I 'm promised a nice piece of rump steak with saute potatoes .
16 I 'm considered a reformed character these days . ’
17 You got it right and you stuck to your guns and cos I 'm put a little doubt in your mind you changed .
18 I would not want to change even if I were offered a British-sounding voice .
19 ‘ I did n't have the most stamina in the world , I was called a lazy player but I could have played till midnight .
20 When I started playing with white men I was called a Nazi , a traitor and was told I would be put up against a wall and shot .
21 For these services , and following a series of travel talks which I wrote and broadcast in the autumn of 1929 , I was made an Honorary Member of the M.J.A.R.A. , and appointed to the executive committee .
22 Every day I was sent a secret report by the Chief of Police , and the next afternoon I was playing cards with Fritz when Sapt brought it in .
23 About a year ago I was sent an organic semi-soft cheese made in Wales .
24 I was born a poor black boy down in Mississippi , out in Alabama and he 's like a jet white ai n't he ? and he says I always felt different cos all the other kids they just sit there and they 'd be tapping their feet and then you go onto the oh and they 're getting the old rhythm going , like they do and he 'd be going like I all so different I could n't quite do this and he used to get in look , and er
25 Now I was given a small , whitewashed room at the end of the long wooden balcony that ran the entire length of the house , above a courtyard shaded by long pergolas of vines .
26 And the rating officer was part time with the council , and one day , a rent collector was taken ill , and then I was given a five shilling bag of copper and told to go and collect these
27 After a few months as a general news reporter I was given a wider range of assignments and when Jim Miller left , my regular beats included the monthly School Board meetings and the daily Police Court and High Court sessions .
28 As I entered the committee room from the standard uncarpeted passage , I was given a friendly and businesslike handshake by the chairman , Lord Franks , who had courteously got out of his chair to greet his witness — an unfailing politeness that I gather he extended to every other witness .
29 While researching my article , I was given a long briefing at Falkland House in London , by a Falkland Islands councillor nominated by the Islands ' London representative .
30 For my birthday in February I was given a good quality ‘ used ’ rowing boat .
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