Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 People who think like me are simply protesting against the Government 's action in a perfectly legitimate way — we think they 're wrong to attack Egypt and we want to stop them before any further damage is done .
2 The ones who inclined toward the devils without actually joining them are accordingly confined in tempests till Doomsday , when they will go to Hell .
3 The services of hakims and the products used by them are widely advertised in Asian newspapers in Britain .
4 For example , the geochemistry of certain lithologies in the East Grampians is such that soils developed on them are inadequately buffered against acid rain — a potential threat to freshwater fisheries in the area .
5 Unfortunately though , these will only allow for three full sized cards to be added as three of them are partially obscured by the cables coming from the back of the hard and floppy disk drives .
6 Small notebook systems have already been developed by the likes of Tandy Grid , NCR and Apple , and some of them are already use for simple form filling applications like supermarket stocktaking or car fleet management .
7 But most of them are just hiding behind the image .
8 Fortunately , however , most of them are closely related to others , and the separate characteristics which concern us are relatively few in number .
9 The radically different results obtained by considering and applying such relationships or by totally ignoring them are well illustrated in two of the currently available recordings of the work .
10 So these problems and similar ones to them are generally led to an abandonment I suppose , or a lack of interest in feat in a pure feature analysis view to how we build up and recognise objects .
11 Models of them are also used at the circus marking the finish of each lap , just as eggs indicated the start .
12 Large numbers of the Communist Party members who have risen almost in complete isolation against overwhelming odds , large numbers of them are actually killed in the fighting , many more of them are arrested and executed and in this way , the destruction of the Communist Party , particularly in the major cities , is to a very large extent completed by their own mistakes .
13 Most of them are usually based on inaccurate information that we have gathered about people .
14 Neither of them are obviously connected with lovers or courting couples .
15 The members must satisfy the approved body that they and people employed by them are fully trained in the provision of probate services and that there are satisfactory insurance arrangements and a complaints scheme .
16 Despite the high cost of these kites , due mainly to the involved sail , carbon spar and a fair chunk of distribution costs through the marketing chain , the fact remains that few of them are fully supported by adequate instruction on how to assemble or fly the device .
17 The two grand old men of Arcueil , and , and the entire cult of French physics that surrounded them are entertainingly dissected through the period when French physics moved from uncompromising support of newtonianism to its near rejection with the wave theory of light .
18 Half of them are directly elected in 248 territorial constituencies , and the other half are additional members indirectly elected by means of party-list votes .
19 Let us hope that the Danes will vote ‘ No ’ in their referendum on June 2 , thus forcing all members to renegotiate the treaty , as many of them are now said to be having second thoughts of their own .
20 Advances in health care have meant that most of them are seldom heard of here .
21 Some of them are specifically oriented towards more identifiably local areas .
22 Most of them are deeply committed to their children .
23 There are a number of fine amphitheatres extant in a partly ruined condition and several of them are still used for performances of opera or for bull fights .
24 Many of them are only followed for the first pitch , either because they finish up easier slabs ( which might well suit some people ) or become much harder .
25 The bodies of both these figures are even more angular than those of the other three women , and the planes that compose them are occasionally differentiated by touches of pure colour ; the body of the squatting figure is in the same darker tonalities of the head .
26 The letter is interesting , though , for the light it casts on his rooted dread of mental imbalance , and on his horrified feeling that the unsatisfactory relations which had existed between himself and his father since eariy adolescence might somehow mar him for the rest of his life : You and I are both qualified for it [ neurosis ] because we were both afraid of our fathers as children .
27 Both you and I are much blamed by the " crouner and capitanes " and in truth not without cause , for they say there is no wrong done in Ireland but only that which is done by these men that come from Ila , and Auchinbrecke said to me that he would complain to my Lord of you for sending them at all , except men you have passed and will be answerable for .
28 ‘ In fact , both my wife and I are quite overcome by all your kindness . ’
29 ‘ The Council and I are continually speculating on that . ’
30 I therefore offer readers an extract of my elder friend 's memoirs , taken from the book which his daughter Aliki Costakis and I are currently preparing for publication .
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