Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [pron] [be] the " in BNC.

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1 His ideas are as I they they say that he was er I do n't know how much truth I that he was the first that he patented and devised the first rotating drilling machine .
2 It , I mean , it disappoints me that we are the country in Europe that that 's always dragged , kicking and screaming to the table , to discuss things like this , which are the benefit of the majority of the people in the in the European Community .
3 In the three years I 've been here , and because C&P was one of the first ICI groups to move into quality , the value of the quality ethos has taught me that it 's the only way to do business .
4 It seems to me that it was the high-water mark of collective Cabinet government [ of ] the traditional type in recent times .
5 One woman told me that it was the day she was able to swim the width of the local pool after years of being afraid .
6 The doctor told me that it was the first time she had made an advance to anybody .
7 But he urged on me that it was the Prime Minister 's particular wish that I should do anything I could to prevent its publication .
8 I turned to Jamie and then the girl , cleared my throat and said quite clearly : ‘ I did n't know if you two ever shared or , indeed , still do share , for that matter , for all that I know , at least mutually between yourselves but at any rate not including me — the misconception I once perchanced to place upon the words contained upon yonder sign , but it is a fact that I thought the ‘ union ’ referred to in said nomenclature delineated an association of working people , and it did seem to me at the time to be quite a socialist thing for the town fathers to call a street ; it struck me that all was not yet lost as regards the prospects for a possible peace or at the very least a cease-fire in the class war if such acknowledgements of the worth of trade unions could find their way on to such a venerable and important thoroughfare 's sign , but I must admit I was disabused of this sadly over-optimistic notion when my father-God rest his sense of humour-informed me that it was the then recently confirmed union of the English and Scottish parliaments the local worthies-in common with hundreds of other town councils throughout what had until that point been an independent realm — were celebrating with such solemnity and permanence , doubtless with a view to the opportunities for profit which this early form of takeover bid offered . ’
9 Dick , thank you for those kind words , er , specially about er my book , and I think I am considering appointing you as my agent er , you also said er that I 'd dr drawn the short straw indeed you er whispered to me that I was the sacrificial lamb this morning well we 'll see about that but I do know that I have the great honour to be invited to speak to congress this morning on behalf of the G M B parliamentary group .
10 ‘ It was not Mrs Greville 's word , ’ said Sally-Anne , goaded unwisely into further indiscretion , still trying to break free , ‘ it was your handwriting — the same that told me that I was the light of your life and that you loved me dearly . ’
11 He rings back to inform me that I 'm the rudest person he has ever met .
12 Those who remained at work were likely to find themselves increasingly isolated : Miss Brechin told me that she was the very last woman to work in Morrison & Gibb .
13 Yet one disagreeable cynic observed the adoration and commented wryly : ‘ It seems to me that he 's the only man in London not in love with her ’ .
14 The taxi driver was a sharp-looking middle-aged man who told me that he was the landlord of the Dove bar in town .
15 Your superiors tell me that you are the best officer they have .
16 ‘ Do you tell me that you are the only two servants to manage this whole barrack of a house ? ’
17 He 's left the priesthood now , but has a national profile which has lifted Labour 's campaign locally and made him instantly recognisable to many as he attempts to persuade them that he 's the new broom they need .
18 Alarmed at this sight , and with the smell , which came principally from the cerecloth , they ordered the ground to be thrown in immediately without judiciously closing up the cerecloth and lead , which covered the face : only observing enough of the inscription to convince them that it was the body of Queen Katherine .
19 And me granny to help me and he was the land nobody could really find that if you came across it one nasty day well you 're there and you 're kind of stop there if the went away .
20 She was always kind to me and she was the only neighbour Mum could really trust .
21 ‘ Your nephew asked me if I was the one you were going to marry , ’ she blurted out as she averted her eyes from the probing intentness of his .
22 Conscious analysis of anything is only scorned by me if it 's the best you can do !
23 They must spring up the trees as the monkeys are driven into them and they are the ones that usually make the kill .
24 There are two factors to worry them and one was the quality of crosses at Ibrox .
25 Millions of people watch it , it involves and amuses them and it 's the perfect forum for effective communication — not party political , just an idea of Europe .
26 Looks are n't everything ; often one ceases to notice them and it is the warmth , the character , the personality that holds another person in thrall .
27 At first I thought they were muggers , but then there were only two of them and it was the middle of the street .
28 But erm I think I had lots of people praying for me back here because I did n't have any problem with them and I was the only one who did n't .
29 Even experienced report writers often find that their thoughts have rushed ahead of them and there is the occasional sentence that has no relationship to the rest .
30 And er and then there was another voice voice called another film called , The er The Second Black Pearl , or some and them and there was the Dagger and
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