Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [verb] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It took every ounce of self-control he possessed not to crush her fingers with his and pull her into his arms .
2 ‘ It was me that set her on fire ! ’
3 by dismissing her or subjecting her to any detriment which results in her dismissal or consists in or involves her demotion .
4 In his absence she 'd been as nervy as a wildcat , jumping a mile every time someone spoke to her or touched her on the shoulder , expecting him to turn up out of the blue as he 'd made a habit of doing .
5 Then , when his owner wanted to catch him she would grab the rope which was trailing on the ground , and take possession of his head before he managed to rear up on her or kick her with his hind legs .
6 It is , however , the case that the man who approaches the whore as a client , on her terms that is , is usually mocked in the fabliau : see , for example , Le Prestre et Alison , described in Chapter 1 , or La vieille Truande , " The old beggarwoman " , in which an old woman manipulates an attractive young squire into either " embracing " her or carrying her across a river — an act which in fact becomes a physical embrace — to " " la grans risee " " , " the great laughter " , of the witnesses .
7 And then suddenly he did stop and she was all sticky and messy and she thought he would speak to her now and comfort her or beg her in his whisper to kiss him , as he had done under the bridge the other nights they 'd met .
8 There seemed to be a blankness in her that prevented her from going any further ; a momentary spark that said , But wait … and then said nothing more .
9 She could feel her own heart pounding against her ribs and there was a passionate urgency inside her that robbed her of all thought .
10 Since Paul 's departure — she grimaced at the memory — Dinah had been able to do as she liked with it , and she liked to have objects about her that reminded her of herself .
11 ‘ I can easily go back to normal , ’ Maggie got out quickly but he reached out and captured her hand , spinning her towards him and catching her in his arms .
12 He stood up and drew her out of her seat with him and gathered her into his arms .
13 He now thrust his arm out and pulled her tightly towards him and waltzed her round the table , saying , ‘ One , two , three ; one , two , three ; one , two , three .
14 With a groan , Vitor drew her up against him and pinioned her in his arms .
15 He took the hand she held out to him and guided her inside the cottage .
16 For a second he looked as if he was about to grab her and shake her to pieces , but her wild looks and her uncontrolled temper suddenly had his lips quirking .
17 Why do n't you bring her and put her in your dolls pram ?
18 Granny plucked her and stuffed her and basted her and served her to the table , golden and gleaming .
19 But a few instants later , she needed no other support than the strong arms that seized her and gathered her to a broad chest , the lips in her hair uttering the words that sent the blood rushing through her veins .
20 He put an arm round her and hugged her to him in the familiar , easy fashion she was used to .
21 She had worked for the Underground movement , involved in forging passports and papers for people trying to escape across the Channel ; had been discovered but saved from death by a German , who had raped her and kept her as his own prisoner .
22 he 'd raped her and abused her from
23 Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor took one look at her and sent her to the isolation hospital .
24 While she is occupied in examining the gift , he quickly scuttles over her and ties her to the ground with bonds of silk before he risks an embrace .
25 I 'm going upstairs and I 'm stripping her and taking her into the bath with me . ’
26 All she knew of Travis was that he despised her and believed her to be a thief .
27 She would make a dash for it and be in the garden before anyone had a chance to walk in on her and take her by surprise .
28 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
29 Not only was he being fearfully indiscreet , but it was said that he had been foolish enough actually to marry her and to install her in a cottage in the palace grounds .
30 His arms went round her and eased her against his chest , and the brush of his body hair against her nipples made her cry out .
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