Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Gina could crawl in beside them or sleep on the sofa downstairs if she preferred .
2 Yes , as a as a as a porter or a a a erm what they what used to call them that worked on the line , there was a special name for the li the people that read repaired the lines .
3 I 've only been on since I read that thing in the square ball , and I suppose loads must have done the same as me and jumped on the bandwagon .
4 Will you do me one to take home with me and put on the wall ? ’
5 Cautiously she made her way down them and flicked on the light , gasping in appreciation as she found herself in an ultra-modern kitchen .
6 He picked up the books one by one , opening them at the title page , watching every movement of her pen as she signed them and commenting on the brilliance of each individual plot .
7 The crowds on the platform shrieked at them and banged on the glass , then ran to the end of the carriages to climb on to the roof .
8 Yeah but then he 'll , we should be able to manage then to pay the mortgage and pay them and keep on the level peg .
9 The amount that banks hold in cash and operational balances is up to them and depends on the demand for cash that they expect from their customers .
10 Since October 1921 military detachments had been sent out to the local villages to billet in them and to insist on the tax in kind ( shades of expropriation by force in the period of War Communism ) .
11 Whatever surfaces are provided , the fish often ignore them and spawn on the side of the tank .
12 Then they stick the needle in you and pull on the blood and it 's disgusting !
13 I ask you , hundreds of miles from bloody anywhere and the Coke reps have been there before you and shat on the landscape .
14 Him that him that calls on the bloody bingo .
15 Even after deciding to put public service behind him and concentrate on the private sector , he has never quite seemed able to escape involvement with government .
16 The bird , which Gould called the harlequin bronzewing , and which later became known as the flock pigeon , rose from the water beside him and alighted on the ground 40 yards away , just within reach of Gould 's expert aim .
17 He did n't advise but just stood there , nodding his head vaguely and smiling to himself while his hands — almost involuntarily — went through the motions of twisting the spindle he 'd brought with him and winding on the wool .
18 Kate looked away from him and concentrated on the ormolu clock on the mantelpiece , its ticking the only other sound in the room .
19 They took no notice of him and stood on the front step , talking in low voices .
20 Uncontrollable sobs broke from her and echoed on the night .
21 Sapped of all energy , Belinda fell listlessly through the door , let it drift shut behind her and slumped on the bed , utterly confused about what had just happened .
22 He slipped in beside her and crunched on the dusty taste of a Rennie .
23 Cal followed her and sat on the floor .
24 He pulled away from her and sat on the edge of the bed .
25 I moved towards her and sat on the bed and put an arm round her .
26 What is it that happens on the ground that in your view makes it not far enough ?
27 ‘ There 's a cream car in the lane , ’ she explained , ‘ and the driver is standing beside it and leaning on the horn . ’
28 But Jews know a good thing when they taste it and alighted on the herring because it was inexpensive , piquant , nutritious and versatile .
29 He says , he 's filled the wheelie bin and it 's go he 's been in it and jumped on the top , so course his track suit is
30 The track plunged down into it and emerged on the other side .
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