Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That assessment was echoed by the other speakers in the session — Kevin Allard of Bertram Books , David Edyvean of the Gosport Bookshop and Nick Polkinhorne of the Sevenoaks Bookshop — each of whom explained how the application of new technology had enabled them successfully to transform the environment in which they worked .
2 I therefore proposed an account of law , ‘ normative positivism ’ , which I take to synthesize salient features of positivism and natural law thinking and which seems to me wholly to fit the nature of criminal law .
3 Ended up we had to get her and the kids out of the house and get them somewhere to stay the night .
4 One such example is : ( 189 ) … the cry which made me suddenly to re-enter the dimension of distinctness .
5 This often enables them better to achieve the benefits that rules may bring as explained above , and other benefits besides .
6 She was feeling for the lumps of coal in her fuel store , to bring them in to light the fire in snowy weather .
7 The mid-range 9121 uniprocessor is expected to be goosed even more — perhaps by 40% , further encouraging users to avoid calling in the plumbers — or to call them in to tear the chillers out .
8 I even tried laying trails of cheese that led to my feet , which she scoffed up , but she did n't trust me enough to take the cheese from my hand .
9 ( Always put a knowledgeable and reliable person at the tail , and remind them only to hold the tail down if that is necessary to move the glider easily . )
10 Convention be interpreted as meaning that there must be a connection between the actions against the various defendants ? ( b ) If question ( a ) must be answered in the affirmative , does the necessary connection between the actions against the various defendants exist if the actions are essentially the same in fact and law ( einfache Streitgenossenschaft ) , or must a connection be assumed to exist only if it is expedient to hear and determine them together to avoid the risk of irreconcilable judgments resulting from separate proceedings ( for example , in cases of ‘ notwengide Streitgenossenschaft ’ ( compulsory joinder ) ) ?
11 Pour some oil into a small dish ( do not pour oil onto your partner 's body , it can be quite a shock ) , oil your hands , then rub them together to warm the oil .
12 WHETHER HEROIN is at the root of this unreliability I do n't know for sure , nor am I about to proscribe the freedom — or is that stupidity — of anyone to take whatever substance they choose to take , be it alcohol , tobacco , heroin or carpet cleaner .
13 I remember he once told me not to move the head too much as it weighs 22lbs .
14 I suppose now you 're going to get timid , and tell me not to rock the boat . ’
15 You tried to convince me not to involve the police . ’
16 Guy told me not to lower the bridge for anyone except the villagers until he gets back .
17 At first he tried halfheartedly to appeal to me not to send the story to England for ‘ the sake of the side ’ .
18 The police came within half an hour and the officer was sympathetic although he advised me not to expect the thieves to be caught .
19 What I have advocated is possible and not just a dream , but it would be remiss of me not to consider the nightmare scenario of colliery closures at a time when we are increasing restructuring grants by £1,000 million .
20 [ I ] t seems to me that we are moving more and more in the direction of an elective dictatorship , not the less objectionable in principle because it is inefficient in practice , and not the less tyrannical in its nature because the opposed parties , becoming more and more polarized in their attitudes , seek with some prospects of success to seize the new levers of power and use them alternately to reverse the direction taken by their immediate predecessors .
21 But after turning them over to reveal the palms , he declared : ‘ But the palms are so beautiful , the lines so clear and simple , the shape so pure . ’
22 As had happened previously , the fines were paid anonymously but the magistrates had made it impossible for an outsider to defuse the situation on this occasion by also binding them over to keep the peace .
23 It was n't polite of them not to answer the door , knowing that he was standing there , but it did n't really matter .
24 Honda immediately withdrew the two affected models — the HR-EL 171 and 172 and has contacted all its 4,500 owners warning them not to use the machine until a solution is found .
25 She urged GPs to involve themselves actively in offering support but warned them not to belittle the efforts of dedicated relatives and friends struggling to look after the sick and elderly in their homes .
26 ‘ In order for them not to happen the law would have to be changed and , with the time it would take to change the law , we would n't be able to do so before the elections are due to happen .
27 So I fell on my knees and asked them not to punish the child any more .
28 wood , inlay wood things , you did n't see it , to put the glasses on or cups of coffee , he said I 'll have to tell them not to put the glasses or cups on there
29 Derbyshire folk may query the authenticity of this but I defy them not to enjoy the results .
30 Many , many of our students are coming back from teaching practice reporting that teachers are urging them not to enter the profession ’ .
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