Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [adv] to his " in BNC.

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1 He himself had other plans , although for the moment he was keeping them fairly close to his chest .
2 A bird-watcher had climbed down there once , to get his binoculars , and the mud had sucked him in up to his waist .
3 Immediately the mud sucked him in up to his ankles .
4 ‘ Good boy , ’ the big man kept saying as he forced him down on to his knees .
5 In the ensuing chaos , six or seven pairs of hands grabbed Ferryman and pulled him down on to his bottom .
6 She knew precisely to what evidence he referred , had already experienced tactile proof of his arousal when he had held her so close to his warm naked body .
7 Wondering , Merrill stood up , and Luke slipped into the chair , drawing her down on to his knees and putting his arms around her .
8 He pushed her down on to his bunk , pulling his duvet around her , then took a fresh towel and began to dry her hair .
9 Luckily he was engaged on operational matters when his ‘ guest ’ arrived , and turned him over temporarily to his intelligence officer , a flight lieutenant called Benson , who recognized the symptoms instantly and prescribed a double whisky .
10 He grabbed him , flipping him over on to his back so that the gunman 's mouth and nostrils were clear of the sea .
11 He knelt down by Adam , turning him over on to his back .
12 She rolled him over on to his back and wiggled her fingers invitingly , offering to box , but he lay inert , front paws curled gently round her forefinger .
13 He held her more closely to his side .
14 Then he carried him quickly back to his mother .
15 The thought of flipping him neatly on to his back on the floor was a highly tempting one — and she was quietly confident she could do it , even though he was built like a rugby player .
16 He slipped a powerful arm round her and held her tight in to his side , where she purred , rubbing against him like a cat .
17 He imparts it so generously to his readers that they may wish to follow him themselves .
18 Garry pushed his glasses higher on his nose and raising his hand as if he was starting a race , brought it down heavily to his side …
19 GUIL takes another coin , spins it , catches it , turns it over on to his other hand , looks at it , and throws it to ROS who puts it in his bag .
20 GUIL takes a third coin , spins , it , catches it in his right hand , turns it over on to his left wrist , lobs it in the air , catches it with his left hand , raises his left leg , throws the coin up and under it , catches it and turns it over on to the top of his head , where it sits .
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