Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 All the clothes are chosen carefully , so that you can get them on without discomfort to the patient .
2 Well , you 've written in a article , you say by merely acknowledging our feelings we are less likely to pass them on by osmosis to those who are emotionally bound to us .
3 It is about helping them to recognise the resources that they have to offer one another and to use them effectively in response to individual interests and learning needs .
4 The pains themselves , since he is aware of them only in order to be assured of his sovereignty , remain on the boundaries of an awareness always centred on his own reactions to them .
5 They scrape me down from head to foot — my torn clothes , my hands , my broken knees , the nose on my face .
6 On one of them , where I farmed for 45 years , while my employees who belonged there spoke Gaelic , I also from time to time employed Scots speakers from Alyth , splendid fellows , in whose speech I could recognise classical Scots words which occur in the poetry of the Scottish Chaucerians .
7 Still less do they have time to develop them further for release to a wider and less technical audience .
8 Mrs Denham wore heavily-rimmed glasses , and she took them off from time to time , restlessly , as she talked : the crows ' feet round her eyes were deeply scored , and her eyes without their glasses had a distant , worried look , as though committed to far other fields of concentration .
9 The second mechanism is to have special protein molecules in the membrane , able to take hold of molecules of X and pass them directionally from outside to inside .
10 The book is divided into seven chapters/days , which guide you on from novice to competent windsurfer , with the help of written explanations and step by step photos and diagrams .
11 A visit to our unique museum will transport you back in time to wartime Britain .
12 And what better community could you get than in Spring Street , he would ask , for had n't it a shop that supplied food , and two others that fitted you out from top to bottom ?
13 Do you take them out from time to time and gloat ? ’
14 ‘ They let me out from time to time , ’ he stated seriously .
15 It was accepted that these restrictions were necessary in the interests of the community , salus populi est suprema lex , and that private owners should be compelled to comply with them even at cost to themselves .
16 He glanced over her slowly from head to foot , taking in the sleeveless green cotton dress with its tight bodice and full skirt that had seemed so modest when she had put it on .
17 The whiteness of his shirt seemed to emphasise his tan , but it was something in the glittering gaze , raking her slowly from head to toe , that made her hesitate .
18 They brought him in after dark to their hearths , and answered his questions as well as they could ; and soon they spoke of Master Harry Talvace , drawing up the image of him slowly out of the well of memory .
19 Once he 's airborne bring him down into hand to hand combat once your cavalry have made contact .
20 He raised an eyebrow and looked her over from head to toe .
21 He had deceived her utterly from start to finish , and such calculated deceit was a downright insult !
22 Embodying the alienation of the Westernized Latin-American intellectual , the protagonist of The Lost Steps , a musician resident in New York , recovers his lost identity as a man and as an artist when he undertakes an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco , a journey that takes him backwards in time to a prehistoric world ; but his eventual return to civilization implies a recognition on Carpentier 's part that , for a twentieth-century Latin American , going back to one 's roots has to be compatible with the realities of the modern world .
23 Their situation was similar to the well-known triangular struggle between the Barretts of Wimpole Street , Elizabeth colluding with her father in an illness which kept her tied to home until Robert Browning won her away from invalidism to health through marriage .
24 If Blackberry and he had driven the stranger across the field by force , he could have handed him over for safe-keeping to Bigwig or Silver .
25 We 'd kept her up till quarter to eight and she was knackered .
26 The position would have qualified her automatically for entry to the ANC national executive committee .
27 Her navigation system guided her infallibly from waypoint to waypoint .
28 With full heart , Shelley drove through the silent , magic dawn , looking at him sideways from time to time .
29 Indeed her title of the patristic period , theotokos , the God-bearer , conceives of her simply in relation to him to whom she gave birth .
30 and er , I mean what she saw of Kerry was , she dropped her here at quarter to nine , she picked her up between five and half past and the rest of her she saw around kid , the rest of the time she saw her own kid and er Julia was to have her until she went to school , so I mean how can there be any bond there , which there ca n't , but the mother said herself I had her because it was the done thing so I mean it 's , it 's today in n it do n't you think ?
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