Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] they for " in BNC.

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1 I just needed them for a purpose , and that was enough . ’
2 I liked the idea of other people feeling sorry for me , even though I also despised them for it , because I was n't worth their sympathy and that made them fools .
3 Oh I never cook them for twenty , twenty to twenty five minutes it would be a disaster .
4 When the registration forms came through , she apparently mistook them for election bumf and threw them away .
5 And then she even thanked them for helping her .
6 She almost hated them for ruining her life .
7 Quite important , because we only give them for buildings which the public can see .
8 We only want them for tonight really do n't we .
9 But who can tell the damage we do to our writing voices when we roughly silence them for long stretches ?
10 tape them well tape them for Marg , I do n't suppose he 's done any since Marg died no
11 I told you I went and looked that up not long ago , things at that price they only guarantee them for six months .
12 I think that they only intend them for linings .
13 They apparently need them for all manner of reasons . ’
14 But they still want them for pleasure and social purposes .
15 But this was only one of a variety of vessels , some of them much larger , it seems , used by the Vikings , and it is the accident that they still used them for burials which has enabled a small number to survive — the conversion to Christianity may be said to have deprived us for ever of the best evidence we might have had of medieval navigation as it developed in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
16 You might expect leopards to keep away from forest tracks frequented by humans but they often use them for preference .
17 They undoubtedly deserve them for being flexible enough to listen to the people and to bodies like the Royal Fine Arts Commission and for thinking up the innovative scheme itself .
18 It would appear from investigations that this government in nineteen eighty four did a deal with the E E C to close down shipyards in future years , for which they received millions of pounds from E E C funds , and they never used them for the purposes they were supposed to be used for .
19 When he only bought them for three X ?
20 But he was saying you see , what 's happened is the they is n't his he just delivers them for the bloke
21 No I thought , cos I , I remember reading erm I think it 's her father who owns one of the bookshops in Woodbridge and he had this book on display , you know he sort of erm advertised it if you like and it 's , it 's properly published and everything but he had it as a a book available in his store and there was an advert in the Anglian about it , and I remember reading that she said er that he said er cos it was his daughter who had the child , that it totally knocked them for six .
22 There is an unconditional appropriation when the goods are identified and the third person acknowledges that he now holds them for the buyer , Wardars ( Import & exports ) v. W. Norwood ( 1968 C.A. ) .
23 He then thanked them for their help during the appraisal period .
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