Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Oh goodness I do n't think , I think they stopped using them during the war and I cr see that used to be like the gasworks , the gasworks you always used to have clogs , they used to have wooden soles , did the gasworks and then they used to have erm like a steel bar underneath or round the sole
2 And , with the usual fervour from the Ibrox crowd behind them , I 'm looking to the Scots to rekindle the fire that burnt inside them during the summer and keep Roxburgh 's World Cup dream alive .
3 Constructed for the most part in terms of a technology that was , by comparison with the main technologies of the nineteenth century , primitive and unsystematic , there were few really significant improvements to them through the century and by 1900 they provided no semblance of a genuine transport service .
4 We 've got our single layer network as we know so we take all our inputs we push them through the decoders and we 've got our single layer after that .
5 Somehow Finnan made sense of the tangled labyrinth , and brought them through the lanes and alleys of boats until they could see looming ahead of them the solid sunwashed stone of the city wall .
6 By putting them through the assessment and certification process we are demonstrating that confidence , as well as showing our commitment to quality assurance .
7 I give them lollipops , so they perform enthusiastically , showing us the speed of their boats as they skiff them through the water and how many stones they can carry before sinking .
8 He was much respected for his knowledge of golf courses , but was a throwback to the days when caddies wore old macs or tweed overcoats , slept rough in the summer , and in October committed a misdemeanour mild enough to ensure six months in jail to see them through the winter and send them out sobered up and refreshed for the new golf season .
9 stuff like that , and they used to make them through the winter and come up here in the summer and sell them .
10 Re Reg er er , er say we had er say , twenty ton o twenty ton of oats come in and we soon used them up before the next lot , I 'll start on the next lot he , the sample man 'd come in , you know , sample in come them oats he 'd come up perhaps , when they come in , check the first two or three sacks with me , you see , and then I 'd have to get a rubber get a bowl full of oats , bowl full of whole oats put into the rubber , see and get a bowl full of whole and put them through the crusher and crush the main , like , you know , like we used to have , just squeeze them , you know crack them
11 At the front , though , they had taken them through the gate and were playing them on the windows of Hilda Machin 's sitting-room .
12 Secondly , assistance and information is offered to these firms , guiding them through the planning and development process , and offering advice on a range of issues from education and housing to estate agents and government grants .
13 And what happened in eighty three and eighty seven of course was that the local elections take place the Conservative party managers analyzed the results , fed them through the computers and you could come up with the fact that you would , looked like you were set to win a general election .
14 Long after he left to become a flight engineer it continued to light them through the war and for many years after .
15 Eventually they are turned to stone , but they retain not only the outward shape that they had in life , albeit sometimes distorted , but on occasion even their detailed cellular structure is preserved so that you can look at sections of them through the microscope and plot the shape of the blood vessels and the nerves that once surrounded them .
16 Roman marched them through the café and out through a door leading to a patch of lawn .
17 The books draw on the experiences of Christians in Guatemala , whose faith has strengthened and supported them through the hardships and challenges of recent years .
18 Other proposals made by Konrad Oberhuber of the Albertina , Vienna , include attributing all the grisaille paintings in the exhibition to Mantegna 's own hand rather than dividing them between the master and his workshop , and assigning the magnificent ‘ The Man of Sorrows with two Angels ’ from Copenhagen one of the show 's great revelations to a much earlier dating than the 1500 given it by Christiansen and earlier scholars .
19 Weather permitting , the big helicopters will place them between the flows and the town .
20 They were quickly spotted by a police patrol who ushered them off the motorway and down the A41 slip road .
21 Push dry straw under the ripening fruits to lift them off the soil and deter slugs .
22 He stripped them off the mattress and carried Willie down to the living room .
23 Not only that , it pulled some of them off the gate and threw them away .
24 It 's simply that six legs is the smallest number of legs you can have such that you can take exactly half of them off the ground and not fall over .
25 because education changes their social standing , takes them off the street and then they 're not at the level that they were , young adults , they 're children again
26 Yeah , right on the sole and cos we used to take them off the iron and put a bit of leather on and grease the uppers with neat's-foot oil and they were really lovely and warm in the winter .
27 Nicola had taken them off the path and into a dense part of the wood .
28 I 'm having to swim them off the steamer and tow them in a dinghy to get our put the slings on them before we left the beach and just pushed them into the water and towed them off and hook the hook the into the sling and up them to give them a good wash before they went to Kirkwall .
29 They released me for the day and I sat in a cab desperately trying to keep calm whilst my mind raced through the practicalities of getting Mum back — cancelling the filming , getting the kids looked after for a while if …
30 Three who suffered particularly at the time were Richard and Phoebe Winch who lived just below the Centre and in whose house I often took my evening glass of ‘ allowed ’ claret , and Ann Willson who looked after me for the Saturday and Sunday .
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