Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 A few months later the Oxfordshire Education Committee responded to 10/65 by appointing me as co-ordinator for the Banbury reorganization , and commissioned me to submit plans : the noisy sewage pump had done its work .
2 But looking back I think of them as compensation for the rest of me life before , and what 's to come …
3 Teachers and schools , however well resourced and staffed , can only do so much to counter the effects of social disadvantage , and it is too easy to use them as scapegoats for the failure of political and economic policy .
4 But when they were switched on they blew the main fuses , which deprived them of lighting for the day and taught them why they had to rely on coal fires .
5 Are you off duty for the day now ? ’
6 • Look great in that dress — fast-working exercises to get you into shape for the party season
7 I 'm going to make a fortune , and your little flurry on General Motors will keep you in mink for the rest of your life .
8 To put you on stand-by for the grunt'n'groan grapplers , The Daily Mirror has been speaking to two family rivals — British Bulldog and Bret ‘ Hit Man ’ Hart .
9 I 'd like to say thank you to WOMAN for the lovely prize I won in the WOMAN '91 competition .
10 Television 's most famous bear and star of the longest running children 's show in the world SOOTY , with his pals SWEEP & SOO and Ringmaster MATTHEW CORBETT , invite you to roll-up for the Circus and get ready to laugh and be amazed .
11 No time was lost putting them into service for the season , still in the L.U.T. livery , which was similar to Blackpool 's .
12 Guard duty over the two women was much lighter than tree-felling in the steamy forest or sawing up the timbers into six-feet lengths , then splitting them into staves for the stockade , the master 's house , and the other habitations they were erecting in the settlement .
13 Kings led them into battle for the land ( e.g. 2 Kings 8 ) and prophets pointed them to a righteousness that would bring them to a new highway , a land where mountains would be levelled , rough places smoothed ( Is. 40.4 ) , and the Prince of Peace would establish his kingdom .
14 In August the concession of autonomy to the universities simply turned them into centres for the most frenzied political activity and public debate .
15 Now the summer bedding plants in tubs and window boxes are fading or frosted , chuck them out and replace them with flowers for the winter and spring .
16 — and she has me in mind for the part of Komarovsky . ’
17 She also wanted to save them from slaughter for the sum of two hundred pounds .
18 The summer of 1914 started very much like any other , with Chapman passing the long sunny days playing cricket and golf with his players and keeping them in trim for the coming season .
19 The condition may be upheld if the plaintiff had previously disclosed his reports or offered to disclose them in exchange for the defendant 's reports ( Clarke v Martlew [ 1973 ] QB 58 ) but even that is in doubt since Megarity v DJ Ryan & Sons Ltd [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 832 in which it was said that the plaintiff can not make it a condition precedent to granting a medical examination that the defendant must produce the ensuing report , since to do so would pre-empt the court 's power to give directions as to expert evidence .
20 You 'll have them in time for the competition perhaps . ’
21 I was enormously impressed by a recent Thorofon CD of the four-art Fantasias for viols ( ) , and so I was delighted to see six-part works follow them in time for the quatercentenary of Jenkins 's birth this years .
22 Politics as they know it — the system that has kept them in power for the past 45 years — is being challenged by two younger men from their own party .
23 So I boiled them in pan for the dog and I put some taters in and a few peas and carrots sort of thing and some Oxos and made him a r a right good dinner .
24 The ambitious Hall , famed cup specialists , are still involved in both the Rothmans and the Welsh Knockout Cups and need the talents of County choice Peers to keep them on track for the double .
25 Liliane and Michel Durand-Dessert are exhibiting works by Luciano Fabro , many of them on show for the first time .
26 Once he had taken me to Brighton for the day .
27 By itself it does n't prove a thing , but it 's my way of getting them to take me to Strathspeld for the funeral ; I can look McDunn in the eye and tell him the truth and he knows it 's the truth and he 'll take me .
28 Oxford , without the services of Mike Spracklen , whose subtle genius as finishing coach helped them to victories for the previous five races , have Pat Sweeney , a regular Oxford coach since 1988 , in charge .
29 ‘ Both were brought in from the garden — home grown — and never left the kitchen until Cook gave them to Edith for the table .
30 She was so excited to be returning that she was up before dawn and ready for the journey south long before the arrival of the taxi that was to take them to Berwick for the train to King 's Cross .
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