Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 Teachers and schools , however well resourced and staffed , can only do so much to counter the effects of social disadvantage , and it is too easy to use them as scapegoats for the failure of political and economic policy .
2 Guard duty over the two women was much lighter than tree-felling in the steamy forest or sawing up the timbers into six-feet lengths , then splitting them into staves for the stockade , the master 's house , and the other habitations they were erecting in the settlement .
3 In August the concession of autonomy to the universities simply turned them into centres for the most frenzied political activity and public debate .
4 Now the summer bedding plants in tubs and window boxes are fading or frosted , chuck them out and replace them with flowers for the winter and spring .
5 Oxford , without the services of Mike Spracklen , whose subtle genius as finishing coach helped them to victories for the previous five races , have Pat Sweeney , a regular Oxford coach since 1988 , in charge .
6 All these factors served him as rules for the composition of the blends .
7 I have a picture in my mind still of endless queues of captives waiting under guard to mount the steps of the Aztec temples where the priests of Huitzilopochtli stood waiting with obsidian stone knives , hands and faces black with caked blood , their robes stiff with it , as they worked industriously to open up each human chest , extract the still-palpitating heart , offering it to their filthy god , then tossing the torn-open body back down the steps to the waiting warriors below , who hacked it into joints for the ritual cannibalism that ensured both the pleasures of the flesh and added prowess from the absorption of the captive joint into their own live bodies .
8 The priest had done it with orders for the pile of stones to be pulled down .
9 The place had belonged to a Polish woman , who 'd lived there as a child and then rented it to students for the past fifteen years .
10 Francis came to tell us about arrangements for the funeral and he brought with him one of my father 's pictures which had been taken to the shop for framing .
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