Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , the parties agree that each of them will accept my decision on the matters referred to me hereunder as conclusive and binding and that neither will bring any action or proceeding or make any claim against me as expert relating to or arising from the performance of my duties hereunder .
2 This has , in point of fact , always struck me as behaviour verging on the pathological .
3 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
4 Adoptive parents can not have a child who is placed with them for adoption tested for HIV until after a formal adoption order is made .
5 Section 83(1) of the Building Societies Act 1986 confers on an individual the right as against a building society to have any complaint of his about action taken by the society in relation to a prescribed matter of complaint which affects him in prescribed respects , investigated under a scheme recognised by the Building Societies Commission .
6 ‘ ( 1 ) An individual shall , by virtue of and in accordance with schemes under this section , have the right , as against a building society , to have any complaint of his about action taken by the society in relation to a prescribed matter of complaint which affects him in prescribed respects investigated under the scheme .
7 It seems to me when deciding that case , the court of appeal were as Mr suggests taking a long-term view , I of course bear in mind the well known aphorism of Lord about er what happens in the long term , but er , my own view is , that in fact , a house should not actually be built as an investment at all it is something to live in , to make a home in , it is not something to make money out of , I very much regret the fact that er over recent years that view seems to have become somewhat old fashioned .
8 Yes er he eventually er I in fact spoke to a Detective Inspector er at the police station er he informed me that er Detective Constable had a good knowledge of these persons and I therefore instructed that er D C make contact with me which he did a short time later that evening .
9 ( 2 ) Directing that the money remain in court , that , where solicitors sought payment out to them of money belonging to a foreign state , if the court was not satisfied that the solicitors had authority to act on behalf of that state , it should , of its own motion if necessary , require them to obtain that authority and ensure that the money remained under the court 's control meanwhile ; that the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a regime existed as the government of a state were whether it was the constitutional government of the state , the degree , nature and stability of administrative control that it exercised over the territory of the state , whether Her Majesty 's Government had any dealings with it and the nature of any such dealings and , in marginal cases , the extent of its international recognition as the government of the state ; that on the evidence , M. 's interim government did not become the constitutional successor of the former government and was unable to show that if it was exercising any administrative control over the territory of the Republic of Somalia ; and , accordingly , the instructions and authority the solicitors had received from the interim government were not from the Government of the Republic of Somalia , and no part of the proceeds in court should be paid out to the solicitors without further order of the court ( post , pp. 750G–H , 757E–G ) .
10 A lot of them of course went to the quarries , but then they had a little steamer called the Florence Cook and she plied wherever she went and you probably know where she went .
11 The categories and concepts he hammered out in his attack on Idealism — many of them of course drawn from Idealism itself , but refashioned by him — are by no means wholly adequate to serve the restatement of Christian theology , and could indeed lead to the emergence of philosophies quite alien to Christianity itself .
12 Interestingly the blue metal deposit , cobalt , was so named by miners because it was useless and troublesome , reminding them of harassment suffered at the hands of these GOBLINS .
13 Cleaner shrimps are opportunistic feeders and not above attacking filter-feeding sea cucumbers such as sea apples ( Pseudocolochirus axiologus ) to rob them of food trapped in their tentacles using the same ‘ nit picking ’ techniques they adopt to clean their clients .
14 There were the cowboy ones — two rough riders facing each other with their enormous dicks hanging out in front of them like door handles with a caption .
15 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
16 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
17 Soon after the birth , you and your baby will be visited by a health visitor who will tell you about health checks for the baby either from your GP or from your local child health clinic .
18 Soon after the birth , you and your baby will be visited by a health visitor who will tell you about health checks for the baby either from your GP or from your local child health clinic .
19 ‘ Linford , ’ he said , in his fine , lilting Welsh accent , ‘ I saw you on television running in that jazzy white number in Spain .
20 It was a tight fit and manouvering them into position proved to be a taxing job .
21 The different viewpoints , although not of course equally informative , are equal in the sense that whether ‘ Be aware ’ obliges me to take one of them into account depends on its relevance to choices , not on its nearness to ‘ here ’ , ‘ now , or ‘ I ’ .
22 The offences which brought them into prison tend to be extremely cold-blooded .
23 Even those firms who have modern machines , tend to run them with software designed for earlier models .
24 Are we simply to chuck out these extra six constituencies and say no to the French , we 're not going to agree to extra silly expenditure or are we in fact going to cave in as we 've done so often .
25 The question is : are we by definition confined to making changes to the curriculum on a purely individual basis to ensure that the teaching individual children receive is appropriate to their needs ?
26 I had left my mother and father and husband to go alone to a place which was completely unknown to me in order to live with people who were equally unknown .
27 Later Jack phones me from kitchen asking for directions to living room .
28 The shriek that jerked me from sleep sounded like Lehrathghan harpy-bat .
29 I felt my face go red , as red as it was physically possible for it to go red , and a surge of hate and rage and fear swept through me from nerve ending to brain cell to nerve ending .
30 The goldsmiths employed by abbots and bishops as well as by kings embellished gospel covers by enclosing them in gold set with gems , just as scribes illuminated sacred texts in gold leaf .
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