Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] [to-vb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How are you likely to react to all that mopping and sloshing down ?
2 Are you able to get to all your lectures
3 Miss were you able to come to any view as to whether the call was genuine , from what you heard ?
4 Yet it was abundantly clear that only when she was away from the influence of the house was she able to return to some semblance of normality .
5 ’ … but even were we able to come to some agreement with the authorities at Cullbridge Comprehensive , they would demand , would they not , a quid pro quo ?
6 Almost an entire generation of Titfords in Frome was increasingly destitute from the 1780s onwards ; in a town which had depended heavily upon the wool industry for its prosperity for so long , the innate conservatism of the local clothiers left them unable to respond to changing times and new technology .
7 I do n't always agree with him , but find him ready to listen to constructive argument .
8 Most of the many suggested grids bear little relation to each other , and their generalized nature makes them difficult to apply to practical Earth Mysteries .
9 It was also surprising to hear that so many found it possible to stick to this diet when normally they found themselves lacking in the willpower department .
10 Is it easier to say to this paralysed man , ‘ Your sins are forgiven ’ , or to say ‘ Stand up , take your bed and walk ? ’ 10 .
11 If you are going to buy a camcorder , it might seem to he sensible to keep to this format : all your cassettes would be interchangeable , and you would be able to play back your own recordings on your colour television via your existing VCR just as you would any other tape .
12 Women with babies have something in common and can strike up a conversation , and the old and the young find it easy to talk to one another when there is a baby in the picture .
13 Lawyers representing children and other parties may on occasion find it helpful to refer to these publications .
14 Lawyers may also find it helpful to refer to another Department of Health publication The Care of Children Principles and Practice in Regulations and Guidance ( HMSO ) .
15 At this stage of the argument , I find it helpful to turn to recent developments in Canada .
16 This is the case of the Scandinavian countries — I am thinking of Finland and Iceland in particular — though the prevailing liberal ideology in those parts makes it embarrassing to admit to this form of intolerance .
17 Conversely they may find it difficult to adapt to poor lighting conditions , and they may be nervous when coming indoors after being in brighter light outside .
18 If you are getting on to a diet which involves being very restricted for choice , and in some cases , missing out meals altogether , you are perfectly normal if you find it difficult to stick to this in the long term .
19 The relatively small proportion ( 5% ) of such theses made it difficult to come to any statistically valid conclusions about the differences in use between Ph D and M Sc theses .
20 Regrettably for the Palace , Alan found it difficult to adjust to 2nd and then 3rd Division football , where his undoubted skills were given short shrift by our opponents and , although he always gave of his best , he was equally always a heavily marked man .
21 Among the small minority of combatants who found it difficult to adjust to civilian life after the war , who were anti-semitic , militantly anti-communist and concerned about the continued decline of Britain , individuals were almost as likely to be anti-fascist as supporters of fascism .
22 Nothing can substitute for the health advice your doctor or specialist clinic can provide before you go on a trip to some exotic and far-flung destination , but we thought it worthwhile to turn to one very frequent business traveller for some of his tips .
23 Leathart thought it expedient to cross-cut to all of the veins in the vicinity .
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