Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adj] [vb base] [pron] a " in BNC.

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1 And you all know what a shadow is .
2 Now this act can take any form you like , I could go or I can go right , then I 'll go like this , and I want you all give me a great big round of applause .
3 This class of injury is the most common of all and we all know what a bruise is and how it is caused .
4 ‘ I think we all know what a knobstick is , metaphorically . ’
5 Well like I mean we all know what a bell is , a bell which is set off by by a human body coming in .
6 ‘ Our ’ will be missed — we all wish him a very happy retirement .
7 Michael Bridges , the scientific journalist who first revealed to the public at large that this project existed — and we all owe him a great debt … ’
8 We all owe him a great debt of gratitude , and we wish him well .
9 If we all give her a little of our pastry , she 'll get a lot , and we 'll have some left as well .
10 They all find it a most rewarding day . ’
11 And they all say what a very nice man he is , too .
12 They both show us a topsy-turvy world , a world turned inside-out by the particular lens through which it is viewed .
13 makes us all realise what a good job Save The Children do in our country as well .
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