Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] out to the " in BNC.

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1 But the room was suddenly bathed in light and Nancy Leadbetter , who had pressed all the switches by the door , was among them and telling them to go out to the barbecue because that was where the fun was about to begin .
2 So , at half-past eleven that night , Sapt and I rode out to the house in New Avenue .
3 I got out to the shops this afternoon and have you noticed they 're into Christmas already ?
4 I got out to the end of the runway first , applied my brakes and did my run-up and magneto checks , whilst waiting impatiently for the oil temperature to rise to the required degree .
5 IN THE EARLY 1970s , my wife and I moved out to the northern beaches of Sydney .
6 Then he said , seriously , in his own voice : ‘ I came out to the Lock because I was worried he might hurt you . ’
7 After I 've spoken to you , I walk out to the gate
8 I walk out to the bus , I get on the bus at the end of Care Street , I walk right along Care Street , right up Dawsons Street , brisk walk and then I 'm walking around the garage , I do n't do that much walking now , the bloody car , but I take a walk at lunchtime and I walk down to the bar , walking , if you walk , that would be total couple of miles a day
9 ‘ The next day , ’ says Futch , ‘ I drove out to the course , which was covered in snow , to find Riddick chugging along on his own .
10 One misty autumn morning I drove out to the monastery for a look , crunching along lanes covered in empty chestnut husks , which are already an indication of Benedictines ahead , since Benedictines always plant chestnut trees by their buildings .
11 I drop out to the side of the road and pull off my rucksack containing the bagpipes .
12 As I walked out to the front of Wolverhampton station I did wonder a little when I noticed that there was a regular service train on the monitor , due to leave at 1822 .
13 I popped out to the loo . ’
14 And I popped out to the shop on Sunday the second of November and came back totally and utterly bemused to see them putting a christmas tree up and father christmas in the window and fairy lights all over the place .
15 I dashed out to the landing and ran into Siegfried , who stared wide-eyed at me for a moment before galloping downstairs .
16 I point out to the hon. Gentleman that the 1981 Act is now steadily being made more effective , that more resources are being made available every year and that parents are becoming more and more aware of their rights under that Act .
17 I point out to the hon. Member for Ogmore that the Sunday trading laws could be suspended only by primary legislation .
18 From the top of Flinter Gill I looked out to the Howgills and across to where cloud shadows were moving across Dentdale and over Rise Hill .
19 After breakfast , I go out to the toilet and get dressed and Marie gets dressed in the room .
20 When I go out to the shops — you know , to get stuff like milk or fags for Marie or summat — I always stop a bit and watch them .
21 I go out to the shops about once a week , just to get absolute essentials .
22 Rosemary I go out to the garden for .
23 I went out to the theatre and the opera a lot , and when I had some time off , I was usually able to get away somewhere .
24 I went out to the yard to check some detail . ’
25 One Saturday I went out to the Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club , near Windsor , to watch the Moët et Chandon High Goal Challenge presented by Moët et Chandon in association with Harpers & Queen .
26 I went out to the powder-room and as I was going back into the restaurant somebody tapped me on the shoulder .
27 He told me to buy him cigarettes and stamps when I went out to the shops .
28 I waited for half-an-hour or so , then I went out to the phone box on the quay and rang his home .
29 A call of nature interrupted my pleasure and I went out to the necessary house behind the tavern , nothing more than a hole in the ground enclosed by a shabby wooden palisade and a door which bolted from the inside .
30 Well I went out to the 's place which is around here
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