Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] a long and " in BNC.

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1 On the way across I enjoyed a long and interesting talk with the young son of a Haida chief .
2 Trying not to make a sound , I achieved a long and delicious orgasm , a heavenly mixture of sheer physical bliss , emotional release and satisfyingly agitating anxiety .
3 After visiting No 10 , the outspoken MP for Derbyshire South and former junior health minister , said : ‘ The Prime Minister and I had a long and friendly discussion , and I was very honoured to be asked to join his Government .
4 One interesting visitor was a man with whom I had a long and interesting talk .
5 I had a long and wary walk through the pitch-dark jungles — my wariness stemming from having sighted a large tarantula strolling down the road for its evening constitutional .
6 I was so impressed by this young man that immediately on my return to Vancouver I wrote a long and detailed letter to my parliamentary friend at the House of Commons in Ottawa , A.M. ‘ Sandy ’ Nicholson , M.P. , urging more federal action for the case of the Indian .
7 Case No. 9 : 76 year-old Sulphur patient with typical 11.00 hr. aggravation and bladder infections felt temporary relief for two months after Sulphur 200 , Sulph 1M was given , but she sustained a long and somewhat debilitating aggravation lasting 6–8 weeks .
8 It is this same idea which she develops here , as she takes a long and loving look at the work of 28 contemporary artists who have an honoured place in the Middlesbrough permanent collection .
9 It will help you lead a long and productive life .
10 Her appetite had apparently disappeared through the door with Adam , but she forced herself to eat breakfast , knowing she had a long and probably arduous day to get through .
11 She wrote a long and moving letter , describing her terrifying experience of being raped whilst on holiday with two friends .
12 She wrote a long and intimate letter to Eleanor describing her state of mind and her new and disturbing sense of isolation , but Eleanor was working on the first draft of her first novel , and replied at length but not to the point .
13 We wish a long and happy retirement and hope he will continue to pop in on a weekly basis to keep the Pools Syndicate going .
14 We had a long and interesting chat over coffee at a Yonge Street restaurant .
15 We have a long and honourable tradition of public service and I know that this quality will prevail in the months ahead . ’
16 After all we have a long and tiring afternoon ahead of us ? ’
17 However , we have a long and enduring experience of wider responsibility in the world .
18 They had a long and very happy life together , and when her husband finally died Lucia only lingered a few days before following him . ’
19 Universally used , especially at planting time — which is something of a hoot , as it needs a long and involved bacterial breakdown process for the phosphate to become available for plant uptake .
20 He has a long and distinguished career in public health medicine : he was the first doctor to give a patient penicillin in 1941 and then moved to the post of director of the Medical Research Council 's Pneumoconiosis Research Unit , investigating diseases of the lung .
21 Defined as ‘ the encouragement given to an individual by a patron who favours , protects , and gives influential support , ’ it has a long and generally inglorious history in the development of careers in medicine .
22 The University of Edinburgh , although it has a long and distinguished history , is very much a university of the 1990s .
23 Like the Australian marsupial Myrmecobius , it has a long and pointed snout , extremely long and pointed in this case , and an extremely long sticky tongue .
24 It was also in this film , when he had a long and exacting monologue at the end , that he finally saw it as what he termed an allegory to his own career : he had the chance of taking a university scholarship but instead chose to take to the road and share his life with some interesting characters , though by this stage of the story in the film itself , Dupea 's liberation is being challenged .
25 Now there was a pleasant , outgoing and jolly man , and I am glad to say he had a long and happy life .
26 She held the young man 's prick — and he had a long and a thick one … )
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