Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] your [noun pl] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I found your lessons lively and humorous .
2 ‘ I told you , I find your conditions unacceptable .
3 ‘ And why would I do that when I find your terms unacceptable ? ’
4 Before I answer your questions this time , I would like to tell you of a couple of points that have arisen recently about machine maintenance .
5 You got your trousers all muddled up .
6 You got your hands full by time you do some shopping with them .
7 But it it 's flatter coming on there and then you sit your flowers all along on there but
8 You made your feelings crystal-clear .
9 How do you know your competitors clear remit ?
10 Right , have you done your teeth this morning sunshine ?
11 The daily food guide will help you plan your meals each day .
12 Did you clean your teeth this morning ?
13 Did you clean your teeth this morning ?
14 If you have them you know I mean I ca n't see , I mean you wear your trousers baggyish and long .
15 Now you say you like your gardens open .
16 However little I care for the way you live , I shall concede that as long as you get your facts right , sense flavours and textures with accuracy and discrimination , think out the implications of your choices , are not deceived about your desires and ambitions , you may do as you please .
17 Your ability to write and argue is of little avail if you get your facts wrong , fail to find the relevant authorities , rely on a statute that has been superseded or a case that has been overruled , or simply misunderstand the authorities .
18 If you get your books right , it 'll all happen on the shopfloor .
19 If you get your books right , it 'll all happen out on the shopfloor , all the manager has to do .
20 ‘ I 'd advise you to give your chaps half an hour 's rifle drill every day .
21 My son is immensely proud of them , and offers the following advice to gardeners worried about their technique : ‘ Growing pretty flowers is easy if you fill your wellies full of muddy stuff and squish it down a lot . ’
22 Are you giving your pupils varied experiences , teaching strategies and activities ?
23 If you define your needs first it is much more likely that you 'll go for a mix of simple word processing and basic graphics .
24 But they have to call in a vet from time to time , and it 's with those farmers that I think you 'll have most success , just so long as you keep your charges low . ’
25 There is little danger from a Lionfish to yourself , so long as you keep your fingers clear of the venomous spines .
26 You keep your eyes open , see if you can see her .
27 ‘ It is time , Pierre , for you to get your priorities right , ’ D'Arcy replied evenly .
28 If you leave your jeans possible a week before Christmas , now people are buying sale , but I tell you what , but you can , before , a week before Christmas .
29 If you have to resort to manual focusing , remember to use the telephoto focusing routine ( see page 24 ) to help you get your shots nice and sharp .
30 Peter come on you do your acrobatics this way Can you hear what they 're saying ?
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