Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] him with [det] " in BNC.

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1 I got him with that last shot . ’
2 I challenged him with all the dishonesty he had shown and all the damage he was doing to the paper .
3 I killed him with this … ’
4 I saw him with that Jones girl , ’ answered his sister Dorothy .
5 I sprayed him with that stuff .
6 There is no lasting acrimony between Gedge and Rigby and when they meet up he often jokes that she provided him with enough material to launch and sustain a musical career .
7 Dressed soberly in a long-sleeved , ankle-length tunic which , though cut loosely , came high up to her neck , she approached him with both hands extended in greeting .
8 Her voice and the rattle of pots faded away into the house , and he heard , close to , Annie 's uncontrolled chortle as she approached him with some wicked intent .
9 Her head turned slightly towards him and she fixed him with that blind , unthinking stare .
10 With all that liquid I 'm not surprised can you watch him with that tin ?
11 She needled him with such venom from behind her thick lenses that Seb was visibly squashed .
12 He began to kiss her fingers , one by one , and Meredith gazed helplessly at him , knowing she loved him with such a sudden , painful realisation that she groaned aloud .
13 Leith yelled , and as fury which she just could not contain spiralled out of control , her right hand arced through the air , and even as she hit him with all her strength , she was still yelling , ‘ Since it seems to be taking so long to sink in , you can bank on it — whoever pays my mortgage , you 're far , far at the back of the queue ! ’
14 She rewarded him with such a beaming smile that he took the memory of it into the surgery with him , where it stayed all morning , brightening the day for him .
15 Deeply suspicious of his motives , she treated him with all the most obvious display of distrust of which she was capable , but her efforts seemed to leave him cold , so she decided there was only one course left open to her .
16 I could n't help thinking she was like a racehorse , and when Ward started questioning her , she answered him with such haughty condescension , such arrogance , that his face went white and I swear he 'd have play-acted the Gorbals slum kid and thrown a lot of four-letter words at her if he 'd known how to do it in Spanish .
17 I just hope that you issued him with that warning because I meant what I said — I 'll ruin him if he hurts her again . ’
18 ‘ Why did you kill him with such violence , Terry ? ’
19 Such remarks , though a backhanded compliment in their implied assumption of her intelligence , made her hate him with such an intensity that she could actually feel herself start to tremble and sweat .
20 When , after his assaults on her , she begs to be allowed to leave , her instinctive feeling for him makes her provide him with some hope of her return , or at least of their future communication .
21 Because Nick is ju erm is young and because he associates him with all these dangerous ideas , in genetic engineering and so on , he feels threatened by him .
22 Here , when Jacob meets his own brother , he meets him with all the courtly ceremony with which petty vassal princes used to greet their Pharaoh .
23 Then he hit him with all his strength and knocked him to the ground .
24 Has it left him with any impairments ?
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