Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] him [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then he held two men friends of his estranged wife at gunpoint and forced them to drive him 200 miles to her secret address at Barrow-in- Furness , Cumbria .
2 I tolled him i thort he was rong and that the jokes are abowt as funny as some jokes that are very funny .
3 I met him six years ago , as I was going through my divorce , ’ Miss Dale said yesterday .
4 I met him one spring day thirty years ago in the beautiful Kentish countryside where he lived .
5 I took , yeah , he , I got him one couple of years ago .
6 Shall I give him two straws ?
7 I give him two barm cakes and we had one each and before we 'd finished , started our second half of our one , he 'd ate the two , give him a custard and he 'd ate it
8 I give him three names — guys he will have heard of , who live around here .
9 Once , in Colin 's absence , I showed him three pictures which he was considering : a portrait by Veronese ; another by Tintoretto and the centre panel of an altarpiece by Girolamo di Benvenuto .
10 I lost him three days ago and — ‘
11 And I saw him five minutes later eating sandwiches — posting them , Breeze , like letters in a pillar-box ! ’
12 I tried I saw him one day on , I crept up in my and I took it out of the window and all I 've got is the .
13 I brought him two days later and he saw you .
14 ‘ Well , say I then took Fiona off him and maybe I told him to go find himself another filly and the next thing was he got a pincer-hold on my ear and was bopping me one on the nose and there I was bleeding fit to fill the Frenchy furrows so naturally I gave him one back . ’
15 " Oh , I gave him one back . "
16 Yes cos I gave father the money for whatever it was , so , yeah , I gave him five pounds worth of change
17 Eventually , I gave him four 3in pots , a bucket of compost , a handful of seeds and some rudimentary instructions , and ensuring peace was wonderful .
18 Aye , I gave him twenty pound for that
19 I bought him one Christmas years and oh hey , we were just married and I ordered him an extending ladder from the Co-op
20 He had a little pink around his muzzle and eyes when I bought him two years ago , but this has been gradually increasing and is now quite extensive .
21 Yeah I left him one day , we went round to the pub I said do n't open that door there 's a match on fucking Ivy gets a phone call all the windows were put fucking in
22 I saw him a few times more , but never alone , I wrote him two letters when I was in Spain , and he sent a postcard back .
23 When she met him one day in the forest , Narcissus said to her : ‘ I suppose you are yet another of these women who find me so very attractive . ’
24 Well , after a fashion , you met him ten years ago or so .
25 ‘ What are your favourite flowers , Ben ? ’ she asked him one day .
26 She visited him two days later , just after he had cut his thumb on the mouse-trap and was bleeding into the sink .
27 At first his wife never left him , since the doctors had told her that it was vital that he should find her there when he came out of his coma , and then when the immediate danger had passed she visited him three times a day and gave him his meals .
28 In that same year he married his cousin Helen , daughter of John and Joanna Smyth , and between 1797 and 1805 she bore him six daughters and two sons .
29 She bore him two daughters and was buried 13 June 1691 , five days after her husband .
30 She bore him eight sons ( of whom four died in infancy ) and nine daughters .
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