Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] you for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
2 ‘ Rachel Santerre , ’ he intoned , ‘ I arrest you for treason and the most horrible homicides .
3 I know you for dinner .
4 Erm , the first one is a letter from Ron , he , he 's in Milton Keynes with his family at the moment , on holiday , and he will be missing this meeting action tomorrow and unfortunately the September Executive , erm , he 's reported on the erm market stall which I 'll come to a bit later , I ask you for details about that and for the enclose with it erm , a statement issued by the association nationally on pensioner 's and the Poll Tax .
5 Francis will you come off the floor and go in the sitting room until I shout you for tea .
6 Like Strabo 's gladioli and lilies and roses , I keep you for sweetness ’ sake only . ’
7 I took you for Adam , for he 's gone down Mountsorrel to fetch in some supplies . ’
8 I 'd just like to add that included in the numbers that I gave you for Camco were not just redundancy costs , but costs of closures of sales offices , distribution networks and some other special one-time charges , so it 's not pure redundancy when you look at the numbers that I gave you earlier on .
9 ‘ The one I gave you for Christmas ? ’
10 And I went down , I went somewhere else there was a few places I saw them so erm I said to , I said to Robert now you know those shirts , that shirt I bought you for Christmas ?
11 I resent you for engineering it and I resent you for what you think you can do to me in revenge for our affair last year . ’
12 I need you for protection ! ’
13 ‘ Was she asking you for money ? ’
14 ‘ If she asks you for money and shows you the letters , you can say that you did n't write them . ’
15 No I 've finished , thank you thank you for listening .
16 However , if you write to us on your return we compensate you for outbound delays as follows :
17 That 's the cardigan we bought you for Christmas
18 Heavenly father we thank you for mummy 's birthday .
19 We thank you for those who have ministered your word to the church of St Leonard 's during the weeks when we have been meeting in the School for the Deaf ; so we thank you for John , Alan and Emily , for the readers and for those chaplains and ministers who worship with us .
20 So we thank you for food , for clothing , for our homes , and for the government that you have set over the world .
21 The great advantage of such institutions is that they fit you for prison conditions .
22 Again , like teachers , there are one or two honest coppers , but in general they nick you for things you have not done or give you a sound slapping to make you remember them .
23 They ask you for work
24 Then you have to go and have a bath and see the nurse , and she checks your hair and they check you for VD .
25 ‘ I knew Charles wanted me to marry you for reasons we hardly need discuss .
26 He asked you for life , and you gave it to him —
27 I expect he asked you for money .
28 ‘ But he has you for company , ’ began Ruth .
29 He wants you for Gareth , I think . ’
30 Everything here at the college is geared up for those with no sight , or very little , which really does help because it prepares you for University training really , where they are n't geared up for you .
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