Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] i with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And when that one ‘ went home ’ she provided me with another one , which is still going today .
2 Her hands rested on it as she surveyed me with calm enquiry .
3 Jeremiah , the Old Testament prophet , assures us of God 's promise : ‘ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart . ’
4 ‘ It was not so much consideration as intuition , for something tells me that you visit me with some strange intelligence . ’
5 She is in the early stages of pregnancy , her belly gently swelling inside her pink dress , and she tells me with obvious delight that she is expecting a summer bambino .
6 In a flood of tears , some my own , she presented me with four frozen chicken portions .
7 You hit me with five ton of leg in your sleep .
8 ‘ If I said this to her before her death why are you taxing me with these preposterous allegations only now ? ’
9 ‘ Who are you to charge me with that ?
10 ‘ I have three or four : two black Strats , a Les Paul Junior with a neck-through-body — really heavy guitar , sustains really well — a Flying V that they built me with one pickup — neck-through-body also — and a regular Flying V. ’
11 So I er carried on with what they found me with this in the brew house and then er where did I go from there ?
12 ‘ Eliza , wilt thou help me with this tree ? —
13 He received me with grave courtesy and enquired after my family .
14 He told me with simple gravity , as a matter decided and not to be discussed , that he had decided to resign his office .
15 ‘ To see the trash ! ’ he told me with childlike frankness .
16 But we forgot to dispose of the discarded furnishings , and six months later when I went to spend a few days with a senior Burmese colleague , he showed me with great satisfaction his small-town church , furnished with the discarded pews , pulpit , litany desks , with the collection bags being changed according to the ecclesiastical season !
17 So I went and saw a building contractor , friend of me Dads and er he welcomed me with open arms , he 'd just got a contract for building council houses down Dunson Street at Netherfield .
18 He threatened me with this throughout the examination period and until the day I actually left home .
19 I played his game and he rewarded me with encouraging remarks about my cancer-free future .
20 ‘ You remember how angry Alain became when he saw me with that book ? ’ she said .
21 I am bound to say that his personality and his voice with his Glasgow accent were a little disconcerting at first ( I felt rather as if I were being addressed by my highly educated carpenter ) , but he inspired me with such confidence as he went on that I forgot that , and of course one has to recognise that a new era in political life has dawned for England , the old aristocratic school is practically swept out of it , it is the dawn of the new " regime " .
22 ‘ When I was a kid , my Dad was into Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin , so he tainted me with all that , then I got into the punk thing when that was going down .
23 On the contrary , he greeted me with easy cordiality and asked : ‘ What do you think of cigars ? ’
24 He greeted me with scrupulous courtesy and a welcoming smile .
25 It struck me with some foreboding because I feel that ‘ lively discussion ’ is a code word for argument and I do n't regard high-pitched argument as the best means of reaching decisions .
26 It was worthwhile , though — not only did he make me feel young and raunchy again , he left me with enough self-esteem to believe in my capabilities as a single mother . ’
27 The embarrassment increased as hoards of people who had been behind us passed me with odd , pitying looks , clearly curious as to what the hell I was doing squatting down by a rock on my own some considerable distance from the summit .
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