Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] your [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And , if I asked your father for your hand , you would support me ?
2 I despise your grandmother for what she did — for what she 's put Corosini through .
3 ‘ I wish I shared your enthusiasm for change . ’
4 You really do think I helped your mother for my own ulterior motives . ’
5 I appreciate your concern for me .
6 As one of the bright-eyed and Washington-bound young lawyers from Columbia referred to in your leader ( ‘ America 's timid trustbusters ’ , April 27th ) , I question your nostalgia for American antitrust enforcement in the 1960s .
7 I know your reputation for toughness is matched only by your reputation for fairness .
8 I heard your name for the first time .
9 I understand your longing for England but the route to happiness lies in making the most of the good bits while planning to change the bad bits at the earliest opportunity .
10 I understand your need for ’ — he hesitated , finding a way round the word ‘ revenge ’ — ‘ well , to have things straight .
11 Er , can I , can I have your agreement for the recommendation then ?
12 So oh sorry that should be minus one because I taking your word for this one here .
13 Again , on 5 June 1286 , Edward performed homage to Philip IV of France , using the words : ‘ I become your man for the lands which I hold from you on this side of the sea according to the form of peace made between our ancestors ’ .
14 I ask your pardon for leaving you waiting at the door , but I 'm pressed , Owen , the days crowd me , and there are things I must set forward while I may .
15 I beg your pardon for intruding , ’ she said , ‘ but I came looking for someone to serve me with petrol and I heard your voices and then what you said about Brownies . ’
16 Silicon Amnesia Sir : I bought your magazine for the first time this month and was very annoyed that I have been missing out on an excellent value piece of publishing catering to beginners ( me ) and experienced alike .
17 I share your concern for the future of our hedgerows .
18 I thank your ladyship for the information concerning the Methodist preaching ; their doctrines are most repulsive , and strongly tinctured with impertinence and disrespect towards their superiors , in perpetually endeavouring to level all ranks and to do away with all distinctions , as it is monstrous to be told that you have a heart as sinful as the common wretches that crawl on the earth .
19 They are the notices which you are required to give to your local council 's Building Control department , to enable them to inspect your work for compliance with the appropriate regulation requirements .
20 If you find a new diet in a magazine , or you decide to lose weight , the chances are that you pick your day for starting but make no special preparation plans .
21 If you change your mind for any reason , please telephone back to say so .
22 You got your money for passing !
23 We shall continue to assess recipes every month to enable you to plan your diet for good health .
24 You sell your time for money to have a better time in the unsold hours .
25 You are responsible for ensuring that the nature of the work does not adversely affect the requirement for you to preserve your reputation for honesty , integrity and impartiality .
26 " But what happened to all that famous French liberte , egalite and fraternite that you fought your revolution for ? " asked Joseph in astonishment .
27 What do you need your money for ?
28 Right now I do n't want to get you up I want to encourage you to set your alarm for seven o'clock , quite low , and when I come on at about two minutes past just snuggle up to your wireless and enjoy the music and the news and the views about the religious scene in and around North Yorkshire and beyond .
29 The following pointers will help you improve your technique for making calls :
30 Most employers will be only too happy to help you tailor your preparation for re-entry to your own learning needs and those of the job you hope to take up .
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