Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] take [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then you would n't say no if I asked to take you in my arms under the pretext of inviting you to dance . ’
2 Your brother 's death left you heiress to Tracy Castle , and I intend taking it for the King . ’
3 In parting we arranged to meet again , next time in London , and I promised to take her to dinner at her favourite restaurant , the Trocadero on Shaftesbury Avenue , just a stone 's throw from Piccadilly Circus .
4 I want to take you through the thinking that led me to that conclusion , and then to concentrate on one of the keys to securing that future — the whole question of advancing the cause of children 's books .
5 I want to take you in my arms and kiss you and — ’ He looked to the side to where two people were approaching ; then dropping her hands , he said on a laugh , ‘ I 've only to be seen doing that in public , even holding your hands , and the place would be set on fire .
6 Because that was when I stopped taking it for granted .
7 Now I said Mr Nichol I 'd to take you to that erm but the only thing is it 's after the so I do n't know how you feel if you 'd if you would rather see a performance before the exam , or you would rather see that one after the exam , or two .
8 Over the next 40 minutes or so I hope to take you on a review of the practical application of artificial intelligence ( AI ) in the field of aircraft maintenance within the RAF .
9 They sent him home from school or something , send him straight home from school and er , do n't know I suppose take him to hospital today and then , I assume they 've got to bring him home and he said oh no he said you have n't got to take me home he said cos the boy 's got to be from school , come round tomorrow and pick you up
10 I think taking them to Devon is a great idea , ’ she 'd enthused .
11 There is one thing , and I think I did take it with you , erm , Mr Chairman , I 'm with the erm , I 've forgotten what the question on , corporational liberties , the thing that is concentrating many of our minds quite some , but the er , would , would the Chief Fire Officer like to ?
12 Although it is not a mountain tent I did take it on a high camp with a family group .
13 I did take you for a couple staying there together , and normally I would have retreated smartly and come back here again , but for what had already happened .
14 She says , I did n't feel th right about taking , I says , well when you get yourself straightened out , I says , if you pop into town and Kath 's in town , you bump into her , I said take her for one of them meals .
15 I had to take her to the polo .
16 I had to take him on more or less from the first .
17 I had to take him on trust on that .
18 Then I had to take him to a big detached house divided into flats .
19 ‘ Beside all that , ’ Robert said , ‘ I had to take him into the city , and he was n't real keen — I 'm sure he prefers Sydney to London . ’
20 In the end I had to take it to a skid pan to see how far it would go before it eventually lost its cool The answer was as far as its steering lock would allow .
21 So I had to take it from the telesales side to get the appointment to get in the door to do a demonstration and then to do the after sales .
22 but I never had anything , I just went from one to the another , and I had to take it in the hall one day and I was n't , I was never very good at maths anyway , not that kind of maths .
23 I had taken her to the Three Tuns , and told the others to meet us there , on the basis that it was the second nearest pub to the scene of the demo and the nearest one to Seymour Street police station .
24 Since I had taken her from her people , I felt in some degree responsible for seeing them together again .
25 I had been so horrified by Jason Purvis ' physical condition that , almost unwittingly , I had taken him in hand .
26 The medical profession were n't the fools I had taken them for .
27 I had taken them to the meeting .
28 The day after the ambulance took Ma away , the rotary drier vanished ; on the Sunday it had been loaded with sheets ( I had taken them down myself .
29 That was no jackdaw 's call — although for just a moment I had taken it to be .
30 ‘ As a matter of fact , I had taken it for granted that you would n't want a boring old fart like me trailing after you round Siena . ’
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