Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] know that [det] " in BNC.

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1 I do not know , but I do know that many homosexuals have not chosen to be homosexual but simply are that way .
2 I can not profess to know how successful , or otherwise , the mystic 's attempts at transcendence may prove , but I do know that all the anorexic is capable of transcending are her own immediate difficulties and that , in most cases , this achievement is comparatively short-lived .
3 I do need , er , I do know that that the conflict between government , local government , the voluntary sector and all others who have an interest , can be quite prodigious , and the ways to resource can be also , quite considerable , and the whole thing does need to be debated and sorted out .
4 I do know that this is a very fine yarn ( hand knitters are pleased to call it ‘ one-ply ’ ) .
5 ‘ I did n't realise what I was getting into , ’ he admits , ‘ but I do know that this will be by far the hardest thing I 've done in my life . ’
6 I do know that some of my colleagues tried but you will not read about that in the newspaper clippings of the period .
7 How far this was true I do not know , but I do know that any suggestion from her to Harold Wilson was likely to receive an affirmative answer .
8 I had known that this was pending but when , over the last few weeks , I had enquired when they were going to start out , the reply was always the same , ‘ Oh , I think we 'll wait a bit and hope for some warmer weather . ’
9 And as she worked beside Silas one question hammered to demand an answer — the question of how she could have lost control of her own emotions when she 'd known that all he needed was time to sort out his own feelings for Doreen .
10 She did n't even know his name but she did know that this time she was IN LOVE !
11 Of course , she had known that more unofficial arrangements were common enough in England .
12 The same glorious sensation as she had felt that instant when , poised on the highest diving-board , she had known that this time she really did dare , that moment of poise and thrill before the free-fall .
13 If you had known that that particular swim faced due west you may well have chosen another .
14 Why do we need to know that another vehicle has Show Dogs In Transit ?
15 We do know that most coal fields began life as swamps about 300 million years ago in the Carboniferous period .
16 But we do know that some people have done within Tarmac .
17 Mr Taylor says it would release six constables for other duties and told the committee : ‘ We do know that some forces have undergone civilianisation of these posts .
18 We clerks might have found comfort if we had known that many floors above us a few of the bank 's more senior personnel were smuggling personal computers into the building in a bid to free themselves .
19 If some students are to use laboratory , workshop , craftroom or drama department facilities , we have to know that these spaces are available at the required times and with suitable staff , and what numbers can be accommodated in each .
20 We need to know that all those who are taken on as interpreters by the Home Office are responsible people and will not pass back that kind of information .
21 The excitement was intensified when it became known that some time previously a railway clerk named Winter , who kept a black retriever , had shot himself in the porter 's cellar but Durham had claimed that he was unaware of the tragedy when he had encountered the ghost .
22 In this work he needed to know that these numbers factorised uniquely into primes ( 3.7.13 ) just as do the ordinary integers .
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