Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] their [noun pl] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I visited their positions this morning as a passenger in a jeep .
2 Peter Carrington was a major loss , and although I admired the loyalty of Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce I thought their resignations unnecessary .
3 Reports such as the Newsom Report ( 1963 ) were concerned to find ways to encourage young people to aspire to better jobs and television programmes tried to encourage them to set their sights higher .
4 Thirdly , although some data is collected in relation to gender , it would be helpful to see some interpretation of statements like these : Although ‘ women were more likely to be living alone than men , there were a number of very elderly men living on their own and some of them caused their carers great concern ’ .
5 O'Rourke looked at Bartlemas and both of them opened their eyes wide and put their hands over their mouths in mock horror .
6 Maybe you find their lips attractive or you are anxious to see what their teeth are like but , never mind , you did it .
7 ‘ Funny , though , when you see their faces close to ’ , said the lady nome , putting her head on one side .
8 The clergy will view a positive outcome as a signal of good will , encouraging them to keep their buildings open .
9 But then a lot of them fancied their chances that year — Peter Oosterhuis , Nick Faldo , and so on , and Bobby Clampett led for a while and it looked as though they might not be able to catch him .
10 ( They also do this when they bring their owners dead birds from the garden , an action normally done only as part of the food-training routine when mother cats show their kittens the kind of prey they must later attack . )
11 It has been tested on over 1000 people with anxiety problems , and will be further assessed in a mass trial on Warwick University students when they sit their exams next summer .
12 They change their minds all of a sudden .
13 They may not be in the same class as the Springboks , but Namibia and Romania will be as heartily cheered by the tournament 's crowd when they make their appearances next year .
14 Once they found their bearings some of them even discovered a few side-benefits to internment :
15 ‘ Otherwise , ’ they told their superiors last weekend , ‘ the people will be misled into thinking the bishops have withdrawn the letter .
16 They came their mouths deformed against stone
17 Deciduous trees appear less affected than conifers , partly because they offer a smaller area of foliage , and partly because they shed their leaves each autumn and hence are not exposed to air pollution for such a long time as conifers .
18 Choreographers are creating much more complicated and longer enchaînements , particularly for their pas de deux , and they give their dancers greater freedom to break the strictly conventional rules of class-room technique .
19 Companies will be punished unless they give their employees financial incentives to commute by bus , car-pool , or by rapid-transit rail lines not yet built .
20 They turned their captives loose and , with their bottles full once again , the patrol set off , marching for a further two days .
21 Part of his technique for staying in power has been to ensure that all the people closest to him get their hands bloody by sharing in the hangman 's work ; he calls it ‘ democratic execution ’
22 Floaters , though , they fling their portals wide and usher you into the hall , crying ‘ Ah-ha — just the man I wanted to see ! ’
23 A person felt safer if they kept their possessions close by them .
24 Only if they did not show their faces , only if they kept their heads low and lived in obscure corners , could they hope to pass at least in physical safety through life .
25 They kept their eyes open , to see into one another 's hearts .
26 I thanked them for praying for me and seeing me now , hoped they thought their efforts worthwhile .
27 Both officers and men of the Austro-Hungarian Army had , too , a handicap of their own making : complacency , for they thought their positions impregnable .
28 The second half opened with Hemel threatening a stunning transformation as they outscored their opponents 9-2 to go one point ahead on the night and seven down overall .
29 After the banquet an Italian performed a subtle and cunning rope trick , then a troupe of girls danced a vigorous whirling jig which left the faces of the spectators , as well as theirs , red with excitement as they kicked their legs high and let their skirts go up , revealing to all and sundry what lay beneath .
30 This implies two , three or four kites being flown in formation — a daunting challenge for anyone , especially those who feel they have their hands full when trying to control a solo kite !
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