Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] their [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The woman and three children were now laughing and I was pleased about that , as they had looked scared stiff when I entered their house a few moments before .
2 One unfortunate decided to fill the reception area in Carno with tropical plants , a major gaffe as anyone who knew Laura realized ; she found their artificiality an affront .
3 ‘ You tied them with a line and taped Mrs Bayles mouth so she could not speak , threatened them with weapons and left them tied while you ransacked their home a truly terrifying experience for them . ’
4 Have you ever had to tell your family you ended their holiday a week early ?
5 Had we taken their advice the nurses would never have received what has proved for them their biggest breakthrough since the war .
6 But as they made their getaway the gang crashed into a lorry , and then panicked hijacking four cars at gunpoint , and opening fire on police .
7 They found their spaceship a few minutes later , and soon they were ready to leave the planet .
8 They found their bedroom the hardest room to decorate in the new style .
9 They paid their rent every Friday ( the money was put straight into a jar for Oreste 's journey ) and always enquired if there was any way in which they could be of use to their landlady in her circumstances .
10 Er had they got their way every time we put a cheque in or took one out or moved money from one account to another it would have cost us eighty pence , which meant that had anybody paid their their fees to the er and made the cheque payable to us directly , we would have had to bank that cheque and then reissue another cheque er to the appropriate department and that would have cost us one pound sixty , for which we 'd have got nothing .
11 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
12 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
13 Parents , however , should remember that if they give their child an investment that produces over £5 annual income , it will usually be taxed as their own unless the child is over 18 or married .
14 Between them they give their mother the support she needs since their father has had a stroke .
15 They named their fund the " loaves and fishes " !
16 Even as they gathered their evidence the defence committee members knew they had no power , only the hope of influence .
17 AN ICY reception awaited the Soviet Union touring side at Aspatria last night , but they did their reputation no harm by providing a stern test .
18 They do their life-work the more successfully and enjoyably because , living together , they encourage , support and cross-fertilise each other .
19 They earned their promotion the hard way .
20 He watched the girl for a minute before calling to her to bring their heading a little to port .
21 It is no accident that certain adjectives which can appear as postnominal , but not prenominal , attributives do also appear in predicative position , while , on the other hand , certain adjectives which only occur prenominally can not stand as predicatives : ( 33 ) the robber was asleep not noticing the robber asleep , they missed their revenge the asleep robber ( 34 ) their proposals are sheer lunacy their lunacy is sheer lunacy sheer of this sort is unsurprising
22 as if he sensed their homage the Kha-Khan elect waved a hand in dismissal .
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